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To understand this part go read F. R. I. E. N. D. S.
By Suicidal1764
Leo's pov
I was going to kidnap the girls at their house. When I got there they were gone no where to be seen. A few moments later I see a portal that has out of no where. I touched it and felt it was calm and had water in it? I then knew Pisces was on the other side and went thru. I was right. I see Pisces, Scorpio,two humans and Amanda. The girl was trying to move me away but I thru her and suddenly the portal closed. "Really Leo again," Pisces said clearly annoyed by me. "Why don't you just give me your power and all will be done," I said looking at her. "Leave them alone Leo," Scorpio said already in his demon form.
Pisces's pov
Of course Leo just had to come. I diced that Scorpio will keep Leo distracted while I hide Amanda. I run up to her and told her to go to a park and we will find her soon. She did as told and I started fighting. Zach who is apparently a demon fought with us as well. Then suddenly Leo blinded us with his sun power and kidnaped me.
Scorpio's Pov
I can finally see what's going on. I don't see Pisces anywhere Leo must have taken her somewhere but where. Zach got up and asked if I know him and why does he want to attack us. "In our realm the more power you have the more wealthier you are and our world works with powers," I said looking at the sky. "Do you know where Amanda is?" " no sorry we don't," said Cindy looking sad. "Ok are there any parks here?" "Ya there is one down the street why?" I ignore the question Cindy asked and headed to the park.
Amanda's pov
'If it wasn't for me this would have never happened' I said to myself crying.  I was under a tree wondering what will happen if we never came here. Suddenly I see dad running towards me  and hugging me. I felt a bit happy but where is mommy. "Dad where is mom?" "She has been taken by Leo," he said as he put me down. " this is all my fault if it wasn't for me we wouldn't be in this situation," I said falling in my knees and cried. Dad put my hair and tried to comfort me. Then I saw Zach and Cindy running towards us. "We know where Leo and Pisces are," Zach said. I then see Cindy hugging me. "It's ok we will get her back I promise," she said which put we at ease.
I know it's not 1000 words but I'll keep posting more captors bye.

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