Mystical Beings

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Amanda's pov
"Mommy can I play outside with the animals," I said to my new mom who love. "Yes you may but don't wander off to far," she said with a smile. I hugged her and headed outside to play with my fox friend. He was really cute and I loved playing with him. "Flare! Flare let's play!" I said but I don't hear anything not even the rustling of a bush. I called again and again but nothing happened. I started to wander around the forest and tie a string that I had in my poker to the trees to lead me home. Soon I was out of string and it was getting late so I went heading home. As I was heading there I heard rustling of leaves from the trees. I started to pick up the pace but the sound kept following me. I soon felt bang on my head and all turned black and felled into a dream.
Scorpio's pov
It's already night and we still haven't seen Amanda anywhere. I then see a string on some trees that seemed like a path she went to. I walked thru the path of the string till the stoping point. I saw nothing. I then turned back and saw a shadow figure. They had blonde cat ears and a tail. "Dad get away from me," the voice of a child said. I knew it was Amanda but why does she want me to be away from her? "I don't want to hurt you," she says clearly crying. I hug her. She was trying to get out of my grasp but then gave up. I pet her hair and was able to calm her down. "Now tell me what happened as we head home," I said carrying her like a baby. "Well I was looking for glee my fox friend and it was getting late and when I headed back I was kidnaped and was thrown a potion to make me into this and ended up having dangerous powers which killed my kidnaper and brought me to you," she said wanting to forget what has happened. We arrived home with my worry roommate or I guess girlfriend at this point was crying. When she heard us came in she looked at us. Then Amanda ran to Pisces and hugged her. I then joined in. We diced it was late and Amanda should sleep while we talk a bit. I told Pisces the whole thing that happened to Amanda. "We can't let her go outside with ought us it's to dangerous especially with Leo on the lose," she said hugging herself. "Well let's get some sleep,"I said and we both head to our separate rooms.
~~~~~~~3 week time skip~~~~~~~
Pisces pov
It has already been three weeks since the incident and we have been training her on how to use her powers. She still a little off but making good progress. Today we have to hunt and collect food. Today was my turn to take Amanda for scavenging since she can't go outside without us. We found a berry bush which reproduced many berries. I then was able to magically make two baskets appear. I started to collect berries. Amanda was having some trouble summoning her baskets. I showed her one more time and she finally got it. I was really proud of her. We then had finished garbing a lot of berries to last us thru the winter. We then headed back home. Then Leo and his nights came. "Hello Pisces and...wait is that your and his...child?" He said clearly creeped out. "Yes she is my daughter.. well biologically no," I said with some anger in my voice. "Well I want you two to come with me and made have a chat together," he said hoping Amanda will beg me to go with him. "No thank you and we will be off," i said but of course Leo who doesn't not as an answer started to use his plan B. "What about you child would you like to come" "ok look one I have a name and it's Amanda and two no your just a stupid jerk who wants power that he will never get and three leave us alone," Amanda said leaving Leo in complete shock. "Well then knights trap them," Leo commanded. I then used a teleportation spell and transported Amanda, me and the berries home. We headed inside seeing that Scorpio was making food for us. 'How nice' I think to myself. We then had lunch and Scorpio and Amanda headed outside to train. Suddenly I hear a scream and headed out side.
Amanda's pov
Dad was trying to teach me how to open portals but I messed up. I wasn't supposed to be stress because if I was the portal will go haywire which wasn't supposed to happen. Me and dad tried to close it but it was to strong. I then was headed to the portal. I screamed but dad got me and then I see mommy. She grabbed dad's hand and tried to bring us back to ground but instead we were sent to another dimension. We fell and found ourselves in someone's room. I look around and see it was blue with beautiful paintings hanged up on the walls. I then see a box which was purple and said pictures. I looked thru some and see three friends and then one picture stood out a boy kissing a girls check. 'Weird' I thought to myself. My parents were on the floor and haven't woken up. I checked and luckily their hearts were beating so it was a good sign. I diced to explore this place more. When I got up I saw that something was beeping. I looked at it and saw it said message from someone named Zach. I read the message and it read "I love you 💕". I thought to myself that this must be Zach's girlfriend's room. Suddenly the door opens.
Check out my friends book
We are doing a crossover so check it out.
Title: F. R. I. E. N. D. S.
Friend: suicidal1764

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