Revenge at last

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Pisces's pov
I looked at that stupid man with blonde hair and green grass eyes. It was Leo. I looked that he had a woman with him. She had gray hair and green eyes. She looked at me questioningly.

P- what are you doing here Leo
L- we were trying to find a place to stay and found this mansion.
P- well you can go find another one or suffer death
Sagittarius- I won't let you hurt him you beast

Pisces looked at the woman and laughed.

P- you think he loves you don't you? He is just a spoiled brat who wants power. I bet he only married you for power.
S- that is not true right...Leo?
Leo stayed silent and soon Pisces transformed into her "angelic form".
P- see darling he only wants your power I can't believe you have actually fallen for him.

Scorpio hears the commotion and goes outside to figure what's going on.

Sc-Pi what are you doing
P- how long have you been there and I was about to end Leo
Sc-ok one I bearly came and two this is not you at all

Pisces looks at him soon her eyes turn red she seems to be corrupted.

P- why don't I just kill him and we can all live in peace
Sc- that's is not the way to do it Pi

Pisces used her powers and fought Leo which Leo gladly fought back. Sagittarius ran up to Scorpio and hugged him which made Pisces more furious. She knocked out Leo and started to attack Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio used a protected shield and told Sagittarius to get inside but stay in the living room.

P- why are you protecting her?!
Sc-because she doesn't deserve that fate.

Pisces was so enraged she even started fighting him. Scorpio tried to get as close to her as possible. Finally Scorpio was able to grab her shoulders and pull her into a hug. Pisces tried to get out of his grasp but soon calmed down.

P- I-I'm sorry
Sc- shh it's ok just calm down

Scorpio started stroking her hair which made her calm down a bit. Soon she let go and headed to Leo. She decided to wipe away his memory of the past and only leave the good memories in. Pisces soon went up to Sagittarius.

P- sorry for what I did back there.
S- no it's ok I understand.
P- I made Leo a good person so he won't do any harm anymore.
S- thank you but were we going to live now?
P- I'll tell Lilian to make you guys a new castle so you guys can start over.

Sagittarius smiled and felt grateful of what Pisces had done. She went over to Leo and kissed him which worked him up. He ended up blushing.

L- why you do that
S- cause I love you *she giggled*
P- I'll leave you guys alone

Pisces went inside and checked on her two kids. Amanda was studying while Cancer was playing with his toys. She smiled and headed over to Scorpio. Scorpio kissed her forehead.

So I don't know if I should end the book right here. Comment below if you want me to continue and what I should do with the story. If not I'll just end it right there and continue my other stories. Bye. :3

Who can love a demon?  pisces x scorpioWhere stories live. Discover now