C6 :-)

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Heres the second part :) im gonna try to make it long since my last one wasnt, hehe
Ashleys pov:
It was an hour away from Lala's party, so i just went with her. I was so glad today was Thursday, and school was cancelled tomorrow. I was still getting mobbed with dirty names, but carter was too. I felt really bad, but i had feelings for him still.


Carters Pov:
I was driving to Lala's party, and shes a very close friend. I was excited for this night. Evem though ashley was going to be there, i am just going to ignore her.



Ashleys Pov:
It was crowded here, and there was tons of drunk people. I gave Lala her gift which was a $30 starbucks gift card, and a $50 taco bell gift card. She loves going there.

Lalas Pov:
I liked Carter, but i didnt want to tell her. We've had a secret, but i just dont want to tell Ashley. Shes my bestfriend and I want to keep it that way. The big secret was that i was some girl named 'rose'. I didnt have an STD, he just told people that so no one would expect me. I had sex with Carter, even though i knew they hooked up. I feel really bad, and i dont have the nerve to tell her.

ashleys pov:
"Carter, im sorry for today... You really didnt deserve that." I said, but i was drunk, so it came out a little sloppy.

"Its okay.. Im sorry for telling everyone.. I dont have an STD either."

"I-i love you carter.."

"Dance with me?"

"Yes i will, i need a drink.."

"No you don't Ashley. Youve had enough"

"Ugh. Fine, but ill get one later.."

We started dancing, and grinding on eachother. I could tell Carter was horny because of his boner.

Ill update tomorrow, :-) ily

Carter Reynolds- Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now