Chapter 36

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~Niall's POV~

   When Elissa and I get back to my house, it's almost 4am. We stayed out way too late. We're both too exhausted to do anything, so we both just collapse onto my bed and I mumble a goodnight before we fall asleep, still in our clothes.

   When I wake up it's a little past noon. It's a good thing me and the guys didn't have anywhere to be today. I notice that Elissa isn't in bed, so I look around and find the bathroom door open a couple inches, and I see that the mirror is all steamy. She must be showering.

   I get up to dig out a decent outfit for today and hear Elissa singing. I go stand by the bathroom door and listen to her. Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind: it was meant to be. I sink down onto the floor and sit, listening to Elissa sing One Direction song after One Direction song. I didn't know she knew the music so well.

   After like 30 minutes of her singing, the water turn off and I hear the shower door open. I start to stand up and Elissa opens the bathroom door, finding me sitting there.

   "What are you doing?" she squeals. "I thought you were still sleeping!"

   "I woke up like 35 minutes ago and you were in the shower, and you were singing, so I was listening. You know our songs pretty well," I say with a smirk, making her cheeks turn bright red. It's adorable.

   "I was in the shower that long? I'm sorry! You should've knocked or something and I could've gotten out so you could shower," she says, biting her lip. Sexy...

   "It was fine. I liked hearing you sing," I say with a smile. She smiles back at me for what seems like a lifetime, and then she snaps me out of my stupor.

   "You like what you see, I'm assuming?" What? Crap. I was absentmindedly running my gaze up and down Elissa's body. She's got a towel wrapped around her so I can't see anything she doesn't want me to see, but it's still a great view. I can feel myself blushing.

   "Sorry," I mumble, turning around to go grab clothes out of my closet. Elissa stops me. She grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

   "I love you," she whispers, pressing her lips against mine. Mm. I will never get over the rush I get when she kisses me. I pull her body up against mine and my hands slowly slide down her back.

   "Nope!" she says, escaping my hold as I try to unwrap her towel. Dammit. She twirls away like a dancer, grabs some clothes out of my closet, and throws them at me. "Go shower. You stink!" she says with a laugh. I roll my eyes and go into the bathroom to shower.

   When I get out of the shower, Elissa's not in my room, so I figure she's probably in the kitchen. I go downstairs and find her at the stove, cooking. Not only is she cooking, but she is cooking eggs and bacon. This girl knows the way to my heart.

   "I love you," I whisper in Elissa's ear, wrapping my arms around her from behind. She turns her head a little bit and kisses my bicep.

   "And you love bacon. Go sit down," she tells me with a smile. I kiss her cheek and go sit down at the island. A minute later, she brings a giant bowl of eggs and a big plate of bacon over, along with plates for us. I get up and grab a gallon of milk out of the fridge and a couple cups so we'll have something to drink.

   "Dig in," she says, smiling, after I look at her expectantly for a few seconds. I glady obey, and take a plateful of eggs and like 5 strips of bacon. Elissa only takes a half plate of eggs and a couple bacon strips. I will never know how girls can survive on that much food. I seriously eat so much. Maybe she's planning on taking more. She still isn't back to the weight she was at before the accident.

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