Chapter 29 - Dark

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This is so short it's embarassing but it's kind of a bridge to some of the bigger stuff that's gonna be coming up.

Comment below on what you want to see happen in Contentions <3


My back hit the mattress and I felt his body shift on top of me, his lips moving slow and passionate against mine, his stubble tickling my cheeks. One of his hands moved from beside my head to play with the bottom of my shirt, testing my reaction before his hand slipped under the material and his palm lay flat against the side of my ribcage, his thumb playing with the edge of my bra. The moment I felt it slip under and touch skin, I tensed, accidentally biting his lip in the process. He didn’t flinch but drew back, looking down at my horrified features; I bit him. How much more of a klutz could I become?

“I-I’m so sorry,” I squeaked, swollen lips quivering and eyes welling with hot tears of mortification.

“Hush, no need for tears,” he smiled gently, removing his hand from my skin to instead stroke the side of my face. “I caught you off guard there. I should have given you a bit more of a warning.” I nodded, limbs exhausted and tears of frustration still leaking out.

“You need rest,” Liam said softly, kissing my forehead. “You’re becoming feverish from the exhaustion.” I nodded, looking down at my jeans and knowing I had to change them but not finding the will.

“One moment,” he caught on, moving off of me and stripping off his jersey, motioning for me to sit up. In one quick movement my shirt was tugged off and his pulled on, my eyes as wide as could be, cheeks red.

“Can you manage your jeans?” he asked genuinely. I nodded but no matter how hard I tried, my weak fingers couldn’t manage to undo the button.

“Don’t panic on me, yeah? I’m not gonna hurt you, love,” he murmured, his large hands reaching out to me and gingerly undoing the button and tugging down the zipper. “Lie back for me?” I did as he said and he easily pulled the material down my legs and off of my body before he pulled the covers over me.

“How did you…” I trailed off, referring to his smooth, calculated movements when undressing me.

“I raised two girls,” he chuckled. “If Macie falls asleep watching her show for the night then I have to change her. I kind of have it down to a science.”

“Oh…” An awkward silence filled the air and he sighed, kissing my forehead once again before turning off the lamp and moving for the door.

“Get some sleep, brin,” he smiled, turning off the light before I could say anything. I let out a small shriek, jolting up and lunging for the lamp frantically.

“Babe, what are you-“ he flicked the light back on and saw my distraught features, his lips tipping down into a frown. “You don’t like the dark?”

“I can’t sleep anymore if it’s dark,” I whispered. “It-it suffocates me.”

“Babe, it’s not healthy to sleep with the light on,” he said softly. “You need a good night’s rest and you can’t do that if it’s not dark.”

“NO!” you begged as his hand reached for the light switch. He offered a small, reassuring smile before turning off the light and striding to the bed, quickly sliding in beside me.

“C’mere,” he coaxed, reaching out and tugging my body into his chest so I was tucked into his side, head resting on his shoulder. “I’ll keep the walls from closing in. I won’t let them suffocate you, Brin.” I took in a stuttering breath and nodded, my eyes slipping shut as his warmth engulfed me.

Contentions(A Liam Payne AU)Where stories live. Discover now