Chapter 6: Make Up or Break Up?

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(An: Sorry I didn't update yesterday I had a lot of homework but I promise I'm still going to try to update everyday)

*Emily's pov*

"Daniel please listen to me" I said begging him "why should I why don't you go back downstairs and kiss my best friend again oh wait should I say kiss or shove your tongues down each others mouths" he said clearly hurt and mad "Daniel it was a game it meant nothing, I truly like you not Beau, Daniel please look at me" I said grabbing his hand, he looked into my eyes and said "did it really not mean anything" he asked letting his last tear fall "I promise you it meant nothing me and Beau are just friends I felt nothing when we kissed but Daniel with you it's different" i said smiling at him, He smiled back and hugged me tightly "I Love You Emily" WAIT WHAT HE LOVES ME, he loves me what do I say omg do I love him back or do I just really like him "I Love You Too Daniel" I said not to sure we decided it was best for us just to go to sleep instead of going down stairs we wouldn't want to cause more drama than there already is we got settled in and I snuggled close to Daniel "goodnight babe" he said kissing my forehead "goodnight" I said falling asleep.

*Caitlins pov*

"I'm going to see what taking them so long" beau said getting up "no Beau just leave them alone there probably going to sleep. And there finally together just leave it for tonight" I said trying to convince Beau to leave them alone "fine just for you" he said with a wink "ew" I said sounding tired. It's like 3am how are we still awake I wanna go to sleep I was falling asleep when suddenly my phone went off

From Your SEXY BESTIE: Looks like your tired wanna go to sleep upstairs x

To Your SEXY BESTIE: please :( x

"Well I'm off" Luke said getting up and walking towards the stair "I'm coming" I said running after him Luke laughing to himself wtf is so funny I thought "don't you 2 even think about it" Beau said smirking "Beau fuck off" I said walking up the stairs.

*Luke's pov*

We made it to my room and Caitlin ran straight to my window "wow this is Beautiful" she said sounding amazed "yeah that's why I chose this room here you can where these" I said throwing her a shirt and a pair of shorts, it hit her it the head "oh thanx for that" she said giving me the evil look o god I'm going to pay for that later. "Want me to sleep on the floor" i asked her she just looked at me confused "Luke we are best friends it's not like it will be awkward u can sleep in the bed to" she said laughing. I was hoping she would say that lol.. We both got comfortable under the blankets i was on my side facing her and she was on her stomach leaning on her arms (An: idk how to explain that I'm talking about when you lay on your stomach but your up on your elbows) and she looked at me and said "Its really good to be here Luke, I was really nervous to come at first" she said looking down "hey hey it's okay why were you so nervous anyway" I asked while rubbing her back to try and not make her feel nervous because I can tell when we are alone she gets nervous around me I have no idea why though. "No reason it's fine. Let's just not talk about it" she said trying to pull a fake smile "Caitlin I know when you fake smile and this is one of those times tell me it's okay" "I was just scared" she said still not looking at me but now looking out at the view "why what was so scaring" I asked her confused "seeing you" she said with hurt in her voice while looking even farther away from my "why was it so scary did you not want to see me" I asked kinda hurt "Luke no that's not it" she said looking into my eyes "then what was it or is it still it" i asked still rubbing her back "yes it's still it I'm still nervous and still scared" she admitted. What is so scaring? Why is she so nervous why won't she just tell me. "Caitlin please you can tell me, why don't you tell me what was so scary and why your still scared" I said while sitting up she always sat up but this time she looked straight into my eyes "Luke it's because I'm scared, I'm scare to fall in love" she said "with who?" I asked still confused "you" she said looking down "okay that's why your scared now but why were you so scared to come to LA" I said putting my hand on her knee, "Because I was scared of what you would think of me" she said to me "Caitlin what are you talking about" I asked lifting up her face so she would look at me "Luke I was scared you would think I was a slut or ugly or a whore or even fa-" I cut her of "don't even say fat because your not, Caitlin your not a slut, your not even close to ugly your so beautiful everyone sees it, I wouldn't never think your a whore Caitlin all of that isn't true , Your the most amazing person I have ever met and the most beautiful" I said being completely being honest she smiled slightly "what about when I first saw u today didn't you think I was a slut I was wearing shorts that were so short and shirt that u could see most of my stomachs" she asked "No it doesn't matter what u wear I don't care if its sweats you would still look beautiful Caitlin when I saw you today I just though wow she's so beautiful and she's all mine she's my best friend" When I said best friend her smile instantly fell "what's wrong" I asked worried "nothing can we just go to sleep" she said hurt "Caitlin look at me what's wrong" I asked her "I'm just so scared Luke your my best friend and what I'm feeling I shouldn't be feeling like this it can't be like this" she said letting a tear fall "Caitlin just please explain yourself because i don't know what your talking about "I'm falling for you Luke" she looked into my eyes and then back out the window "Caitlin that's okay" "no it's not" she said letting more tears fall "I feel the same way" o fuck why did I say that "you what" Caitlin said pushing away the tears that have fallen "Caitlin I have already Fallen for you" I said we made eye contact and I slowly started moving towards her she also moved close untill our lips touched they moved in sync. I felt sparks and im pretty sure she did to. Someone ran through the my door we both pushed away really fast "OMG CAITLIN AND LUKE WERE KISSING" Beau screamed and ran out the door running down the halls yelling "CAITLIN AND LUKE WERE KISSING" "BEAU SHUT THE FUCK UP" i yelled at him "ill be back he's going to die" Caitlin said with a big smile on her face its good to see she's happy now but wait what does that mean we are gf bf? Or still best friends? "CAITLIN AND LUKE WERE KISSING" I heard Beau yell from down stairs "BEAU YOUR GOING TO DIE" Caitlin yelled while laughing I walked out into the hall and down the stairs to see everyone down here now oh great

"3rd person pov*

Caitlin finally stopped chasing Beau and Beau finally stopped yelling "CAITLIN AND LUKE WERE KISSING" "Wait so are you guys like dating or what" Jai asked Caitlin and Luke confused They looked at each other and Caitlin shrugged and blushed Luke just said "Just best friends" Caitlin looked down hurt "okay we will talking about this tomorrow it's 5 am let's go back to sleep" James said with the rest of the group agreeing everyone made it to there rooms and got into bed

*Daniels pov*

"So Caitlin and Luke huh" I said winking at Emily "Yeah I knew it would happen there best friends but they way they look at each other is pure love" she said smiling to herself "Yeah i can tell Luke truly loves her the whole time ever since she left 5 years ago after the visit he hasn't stopped talking about her and they talked everyday so they got really close but now you giys are here and i think its best for all of us i have u and Luke has Caitlin, and they rest of the boys love you guys because your so crazy and Now there's like 2 Beaus because Caitlin acts just like him" i said making Me and Emily laugh "goodnight Daniel" She said while pulling the blankets up higher "goodnight babe"

*Caitlins pov*

I can't believe me and Luke's kissed what does that make us, wait I forgot best friends he said that down stairs. What did that kiss mean nothing? I felt sparks and I know he did too "Caitlin there's something I want to ask you" he said nervously "Do you want to be my Girlfriend?" He asked me still nervous I didn't even answer him I just leaned towards him and pressed my lips against his "I'm guessing that's a yes he said smiling "yes" I said really happily "let's go to sleep babe it's really late" Luke said pulling me closer I Laid my head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

*Lukes pov*

Caitlin fell asleep about 30 minuets ago and I can't fall asleep i think theres something shes not telling me. mhm ill have to talk to Emily later. After about a hour of laying there playing flappy birds I fell a sleep with a smile on my face

(An: did anyone see that coming? Haha what do you think Caitlin isn't telling Luke? Will he find out? Does Emily even know? Comment what you think below)

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