Chapter 2

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The smell of train steam and fresh dew-ridden sod hit Albus as he stepped out of the  train. Hogwarts used to be his least favorite place in the world. Kids hated him there. He didn't think this year would be much different.

 Albus' fears were confirmed when a Ravenclaw 5th year approached him. This boy had never been nice to him. The boy pushed Albus and planted a hard kick in his ribs. Albus groaned.

Here we go again. He thought miserably.

It doesn't have to be like this. A different voice whispered, to Albus' alarm. Fight back. Squish them under your shoe. Punish them for all your years of agony.

"Leave him alone!" Albus saw Rose push the boy.

"Why would you care about him? You never did before! He's a stupid Slytherin!"

"He's family, and I do care about him, and Slytherin's aren't stupid! I know a Slytherin who happens to be quite intelligent. It's a stereotype and it's dreadful!" There was a ripple of murmurs through the crowd. Did Rose Weasley, famous Gryffindor chaser just defend Slytherins. The Ravenclaw boy sized her up.

"You're just as filthy and vile as them then," he decided. He pushed her over and kicked her like he had Albus. "Hey!" Albus heard Scorpius, but it sounded far away. His vision was going blurry.

"Students!" Albus blacked out.

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