Chapter 10

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"As this year will be your first year taking OWLS, it is my duty to prepare you to take them. First off, there are three items that are absolutely prohibited from the testing hall. Can anybody tell me what these are?" a hand flew into the air. Professor McGonagall, who was paying a visit to the Charms classroom to give a OWLS tutorial, was reminded of Hermione Granger.

"Yes Miss Fizzleworth?"

"The first is Auto-Answer quills, for obvious reasons."


"The second is remembralls. Although they only tell you if you are forgetting something, which should be pretty easy to tell while taking a test-"

"I should hope so."

"-The founders of Hogwarts banned them from the test hall in case they tried to give you a hint."

"Exactly. And?"

"The third is Baruffio's Brain elixir, since they wouldn't want anyone to have magical intellectual advantage. Though I feel the need to warn all of you that if someone tries to sell it to you, don't take it. It's a total hoax. All it is is dried Doxy droppings." The class seemed disappointed.

"Yes, Miss Fizzleworth, that is all correct. I'm glad that someone wishes to do well in school and thus pays attention," she said pointedly. Katrina noticed Jessica glaring at her and it took everything she had in her not to smile.

After class, Jessica and her posse approached Katrina.

"Hey, we were just thinking- I mean- we hoped you would reconsider your decision to drop the Hogwarts Muggle Literature club. We could really use someone so dedicated to learning and influential to the faculty as a member of our club."

So that's it then. They feel stupid for kicking me out, now that they know that I get good scores, and they want to make the club look good by getting me to join.

"I'm sorry, but I already told you that I can't invest in the club right now." Katrina turned and walked away without giving them a chance to beg her to reconsider.

"Hey Katrina." Rose caught up with her.

"Hey Rose. What's up?"

"Nothing really. What did Jessica and her goonies want?"


"Jessica is so fake. She manipulates everyone. It frustrates me so much that I'm the only one that sees it. She and I were constantly at each other's throats our first year, until she learned her lesson and decided to keep her distance." she rolled her eyes. "So what did she want with you?"

"She's the president of the Hogwarts Muggle Literature club."

"No way."

"Yes way. Anyway, she tried to boot me after the first meeting because one of the members she apparently has eyes on was flirting with me. I saw it coming and shoved her words in her mouth by saying I was planning on quitting anyway. Told her I was planning on trying out for Quidditch. Now she's trying to get me back because all of the teachers like me and I get good scores. "

"So were you telling the truth?"

"About what?"

"About trying out for Quidditch."

"Well, I was thinking about it, but I don't know how to fly."

"I could teach you. I taught Scorpius."

"Of course you did."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." Rose glared at Katrina. Katrina ignored her. "That would be great if you'd be willing."

"Course I am. We can practice tonight."

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