Chapter 6

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"Scorpius, we lost Albus!"

"He's hiding in the closet. We can't go back for him we'll run right into the mob." They rounded a corner and Scorpius turned to her. "You need to close your eyes tight and not look. No one would ever forgive me if I revealed the entrance to the Slytherin common room to a Gryffindor." Rose closed her eyes tightly. Scorpius led her down the hall, took several turns and also some fake ones in the middle of hallways to throw her off in case she was counting the turns to come back and find it later. They came to some stairs, and he forgot she couldn't see. She tripped and he had to catch her, but she kept her eyes closed.

"I have to stop falling into these situations," she muttered.

"Here, take my hand," Scorpius suggested and took her hand, leading her carefully down the steps. At the bottom, she still gripped his hand tightly, and he led her to the wall and through the invisible entrance.

"Are you sure we won't meet any Slytherins in the Slytherin common room?" she whispered, her eyes still shut tight.

"Nah, they'll be heading to classes soon."

"Shouldn't we be heading to classes?"

"Professor McGonagall said that Albus and I could take a day off when we were feeling too bombarded as long as we didn't do it too frequently and kept up on our schoolwork. I'm sure she'll understand you taking one off too if we explain when I tell her why I wasn't." Scorpius took off the invisibility cloak and led Rose to the couch. "You can open your eyes now." Rose opened her eyes and looked around, absorbing every single detail of the common room. Scorpius looked around too. "Albus should have been here by now. I wonder what's keeping him."

"You should go find him," Rose suggested, but she didn't sound too enthusiastic.

"No, that's okay. Albus can take care of himself. Besides, I can't leave you in here alone." Rose blushed. 

"The Slytherin common room is tons different from the Gryffindor common room." she said. "Woah is that the lake?" she pointed to glass pane that showed the bottom of the lake.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool isn't it."

"It's amazing! Look at all the different plants and animals that live down here!"

"I've found dozens of different ones," Scorpius said. Rose looked at him. He was looking out the window. In that moment she felt a rush. 

"That one's my favorite," he said, pointing to a boring mound of green. He noticed her look. "That's what I thought at first, but one night when I couldn't sleep I came down here. It was completely dark except for this cool green glow. I looked out of the window and it was open. It was a huge green luminescent flower."

"That's so cool!"

"That's why it's my favorite." They shared a look of admiration, but both looked away quickly. Scorpius rustled his hair awkwardly. "Well, it's almost lunch, you want to go-"

"Yeah, sure." Rose said quickly. They hid under the cloak and Rose closed her eyes again as they exited the common room. When they got to the stairs, Scorpius tried to lead her up them, but she stumbled on every step. Finally, he just scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. Rose squeaked in alarm, but didn't say anything. After turning down several halls, they took of the cloak and made their way to the great hall for lunch.

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