Chapter 15

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"They're going after people that matter to me," Albus explained as he marched down the hall, Scorpius, Professor McGonagall and the caretaker trailing behind him.

"Bu why does that mean that you need to enter the Gryffindor common room?"

"Because I have siblings!"

"Password?" The Fat Lady trilled, but the she noticed Professor McGonagall. "Oh, it's you headmistress." The painting swung open, and Albus dashed inside. A crowd of Gryffindors relaxing in the common room shouted in protest to two Slytherins entering their common room, but Albus ignored them.

"James? Lily?" He shouted, searching frantically. James immediately came dashing down the stairs.

"Albus? What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Lily?"

"No, not recently, why-" he stopped dead, realizing what was going on. "She's not-" he choked on his words. Professor McGonagall bypassed the charm on the girl's stairway and the five of them hurried up the stairs, Albus in the lead and James close behind.

The four other Gryffindor girls in Lily's year shrieked as they entered, but calmed when they saw the headmistress. They were all crying.

"What happened?" Albus demanded. One of the girls, who couldn't have been much younger than Lily, with raven black hair spoke up, choking on her tears.

"She came-came through the-the-the window, and she-she-she took Li-Lily. She-she gave me-me this." She held up another paper with the augurey on it. Albus was filled with horror.

"They've taken my sister." James was close to tears.

"What are we going to do?" before the headmistress could answer, Albus spoke up.

"James, Scorpius, Hugo, and Dominique need to be protected. They are going to be major targets." Professor McGonagall nodded.

"We'll make sure they're safe."




"Three of you boys need to come with me. We'll grab Mr. Granger-Weasley on the way down. Craig, can you fetch Dominique Weasley from Ravenclaw and bring her to my office?" The caretaker nodded. "Okay, make it snappy. I don't want anyone else taken."

They were in the headmistress' office, waiting for the caretaker to come back with Dominique.

"I have sent an owl to you parents, Albus, and also yours, Hugo, and Dominique's." They both just nodded.

"Did you send an owl to Katrina's parents?" Albus asked.

"Miss Fizzleworth has no parents. Her guardians are the caretakers of a muggle orphanage in Berlin, and I do not feel the need to explain to them the situation. If it comes to a point where it seems Miss Fizzleworth will be missing through into the summer months, I will send word explaining that she is missing, but for the time, I hope that her departure is temporary." Albus nodded. Why had Katrina never told him that she was an orphan?

There was a burst of green flame in the fireplace, and the minister of magic herself stumbled in and wrapped her arms around Hugo. She was shortly followed by her husband, who joined her inn hugging their son.

"Why is it always our family?" she moaned. Dominique was brought in by the caretaker.

"thank you Craig, you can go back to your duties." the caretaker nodded and left.

"What iz going on?" Dominique demanded, her mother's French accent coming out, though she had her dad's red hair.

"All will be explained, dear," the headmistress assured her. "We're just waiting on a few more people." At that moment, Fluer and Bill emerged from the fireplace and joined their daughter.

"Mum, Is something wrong?"

"It's going to be fine dear," Fluer told her nervously. Finally Ginny and Harry came from the fireplace, followed by Draco. Harry and Ginny wrapped their sons into a hug.

"We'll get them back," Harry promised. Dominique glanced at her parents, concerned.

"I'm sure a few of you are dry on details," Professor McGonagall guessed. "So I have called you here to discuss the events of the last few hours. At around seven-thirty, Rose Granger-Weasley told her cousin, James Potter, that she was going to study in the library. Minutes later, James heard her screaming-" Hermione buried her face in her husband's shoulder. "He hurried to the library to investigate. Nobody was in there. The librarian had stepped out for a minute. All that was there was this slip of paper-" she held it up for everyone to see. "Albus and Scorpius have informed me that this matches the Augurey tattoo that Delphi Riddle is so fond of." There were a few gasps, and Hermione sobbed. "Roughly a half hour after Miss Granger Weasley's disappearance, Katrina Fizzleworth was kidnapped in a similar fashion, with another slip of paper laid at the scene of crime. Lastly, minutes after the taking of Miss Fizzleworth, Lily Potter was taken in front of her four room mates. One of her room mates was able to give me a description. It matched that of Delphi Riddle." Now Ginny was crying. "All three of these young girls had something in common. They were all very close to Albus Potter. One a sister, one a cousin, one a very close friend. Dominique, Hugo, James, and Scorpius, are going to have to be put under extensive protection by the school until Delphi Riddle is captured." All of the adults nodded. "Albus himself will also be put under protection. All relatives outside of Hogwarts should take cautionary steps." There was a grave silence. "The ministry will be putting their best efforts into finding the three missing young girls and bringing Delphi to justice. Until then-"

Suddenly, a black bird materialized in front of Albus. It flew in circles around the top of the  room, and then landed on the desk. To everyone's surprise, it spoke.

"Bring me Albus Potter, or you'll never see them again. I'll be waiting. He knows where I am. Don't try anything funny. I'll know if you divert from the plan. If you do, you can forget seeing these girls alive." The bird burst into a flurry of feathers. Hermione sobbed. Her cries were the only noise in the room.

"Well it's obvious what we have to do," Albus said.

"We are not sending you there, Albus," Professor McGonagall said firmly.

"Yes you are."

"You can't-"

"I sure as heck can!"


"THAT'S MY SISTER OUT THERE!" The headmistress went quiet. "She is out there, maybe being tortured, because I love her! I'm not letting them die because of me! If I have to go there besides myself, I will!" Everyone was silent.


"Don't try to stop my Scorpius."

"I was only going to say that I'm coming with you."

"No you're not!" His dad protested, but Scorpius ignored him.

"Scorpius, you heard her, it has to be me alone."

"I can't do anything to stop her. She just doesn't want the ministry interfering. I bet she'll be thrilled she has someone else to torture."

"Exactly. Scorpius I won't-"

"You won't let me? Albus, you don't have a choice. I'm coming with you. Now where is she?" Albus sighed.

"The graveyard in Godric's hollow."

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