Chapter 4

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Scorpius and Albus really hadn't spent any time in the grand hall. Albus had been in the hospital wing most of the time, and Scorpius had been visiting him, or going into classrooms after hours for extra credit.

The sixth day of the school year, a Monday, was the first morning they entered the grand hall. They walked through the doors, and the whole hall went quite. Everyone, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or even Gryffindor, was looking at Albus and Scorpius. No one said anything for an entire awkward minute. 

Finally, gathering up all the courage he didn't have, Albus said, "Is there something in my teeth?" the entire hall burst into laughter, and students from all over the room, of all different houses, years, and sizes, crowded around the two boys, asking questions.

"Did you really travel back in time?"

"What was it like?"

"Is it true that Voldemort had a daughter?"

"Do you really temporarily erase Rose Weasley?"

Tons of questions bounced around Albus, so many that he felt dizzy.

"Hey! Clear out! Give them some space! Go back to your tables!" The authority of the voice sent everyone back to their seats. everybody did whatever Rose said.

"Thanks Rose," Albus exhaled dramatically.

"No problem." she glanced at Scorpius, and her eyes narrowed with concern.

"Hey, is that from Saturday?" Albus looked at his friend. Scorpius hurried to cover it up, but there was a large purple bruise on his arm.]

"Uh.. no."

"You're a terrible liar."

"So I've been told."

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Albus interrupted. "What happened Saturday?" Rose glanced at Scorpius.

"You didn't tell him?"

"Didn't tell me what?"

"He never asked."

"I never asked what?"]

"So?" Rose said.

"So, why was it so important that I tell him?"

"WILL YOU GUYS TELL MY WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" Albus interrupted again very exasperated.

"Rose taught me how to fly on Saturday."

"That's cool."

"You're taking this differently than I thought you would."

"Why should I take it any differently? You've shown interest in Quidditch in the past, I support you in doing so."

"I-" Rose tried to say something but was bluntly interrupted when she was pushed into Scorpius by a crowd of students asking for Scorpius and Albus' autographs. Albus pulled out the invisibility cloak, which he had stolen from James a long time ago, and covered the three of them so they could escape from the room. They broke into a run, but part way through, Albus slipped out from under the cloak. Rose and Scorpius didn't seem to have noticed. Of course, Albus had no way of being sure because they were invisible. The crowd of students was rounding the corner, and Albus looked around frantically. He saw a closet nearby. He dashed over to and hid inside just as the students came into view.

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