Chapter 9

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Katrina counted down the days until the Hogwarts Muggle Literature club meeting. Her roommates were shocked at how energetic she was.

Finally the day came. She met in the great hall at 7:00 PM like the flyer said to. There was a group of people sitting at the Ravenclaw table, with books out. A girl met her at the entrance to the front door.

"It's so exciting to have new members!" she enthused. "I'm Jessica Kertuffle, the president of the Hogwarts Muggle Literature club! Here's the book we're currently working on, I'm sure you'll love it! You can sit over there and join our discussion!"

Katrina sat here Jessica told her to, next to another girl. When she sat down, the girl turned to introduce herself.

"Hey, my name's Lydia. Lydia Jenkins."

"I'm Katrina Fizzleworth."

"Nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too!"

The meeting was called to order, and they discussed the book. By the end of the meeting, Katrina was feeling hopeful that she could fit into Hogwarts.

The boy who had given her the pamphlet approached her.

"Hey," he held out his hand for her to shake. "My name is Ben." Katrina shook his hand.

"Katrina." Ben smiled.

"That's a pretty name." Katrina blushed. She noticed Jessica glaring at her out of the corner of her eye. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." He grinned at her flustered look. "See you around." He left. Katrina was about to leave when Jessica walked up to her plastering what was obviously a forced smile.

"Hey, Katarina-"

"It's Katrina."

"Yeah, Katarina, that's what I said. Anyways, the club presidency was talking-" she gestured to the girls around her. "Anyway, we were talking, and we were thinking- you know, you're not really fitting in, we just think it would be best if-"

They're kicking me out. I made my first enemies by talking to Ben. Don't let them know it's getting to you.

"Yeah, you know, I was thinking the same thing," Katrina interrupted. Jessica glances at her friends, obviously surprised.

"You were?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's jut not easy to jump into something like this, and I've always been more of an independent reader, you know?"

"Uh-" Katrina didn't wait for an answer.

"Plus, I was planning on trying out for Quidditch anyways," she said. Jessica glanced at her friends, all of them sizing her up.

"Aren't you a Hufflepuff? Hufflepuff is only holding tryouts for new beaters."

"Yes, I am aware."

"You're not really the build for a beater."

"Looks can be deceiving." Katrina positively glowed. "Anyways, I agree. I really don't think this will work out. But I'll see you around, okay?" she walked away, leaving the four Ravenclaw girls positively dumbfounded.

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