Chapter 16

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"Albus, are you sure about this?" Albus looked up at his dad. Tears were streaming down his father's face. The dim light glowed behind him on the empty street of Godric's Hollow.

"Dad, I have to. They can't die because of me." Harry pondered this, then he bent down one on knee and looked a his son.

"I don't think I've told you this, Albus, and I need you to hear it." He looked down at the ground momentarily, then back at his son. "I think you've received some grief for being a Slytherin and not a Gryffindor. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you. The sorting hat put you into Slytherin, because you belong there. That doesn't mean that you are evil ,despite popular misconceptions. Slytherins are special in their own way. But no matter where the sorting hat put you, you are the bravest kid I have ever met." Albus was deeply touched.

"Thanks dad, but- James is probably braver."

"James is bold and outgoing. That's his kind of brave. Your kind of brave is different. Your brave is stepping up and doing what's needed when the times call for it, no matter the personal risk or how scary it is. That's a special kind of brave." Albus smiled at his dad, and found that he too was now crying. He hugged his dad.

"I love you dad." Harry smiled.

"I love you too, Albus." The two broke apart, and Albus wiped away his tears.

"Bye, dad." He turned and walked away with Scorpius without looking back. He wished he could turn back and smile to his dad, let him know it was going to be okay, but it was too hard. He couldn't bring himself to look at Scorpius either. The air was cool and crisp. It was early December. Was Albus going to live to see Christmas. Probably not he thought dismally.

Harry watched his son walk away, and was reminded once again of how brave his son was. He wanted so badly to run up and grab him. To not let him go face his possible death. But he understood that he couldn't. He had been Albus once. He knew what it was like to be mixed up in some crazy prophecy and he had experienced the need to do what was right. As he watched Albus open the creaky the gate, he was reminded of when he confronted Voldemort in the woods and was killed. If Delphi killed Albus tonight, there would be no scar made by mother's love to protect him. He would be dead. Harry tried to push this thought out of his mind. Somehow, someway, Albus would survive tonight.

As Albus walked into the graveyard, a dark grey mist parted in front of him creating a path. Still without looking at or speaking to Scorpius, he followed the path. It winded through the graveyard all the way to the farthest corner, near what seemed to be some kind of family crypt. Delphi was lying on the same grave as in the dream, nd now that he was there in person, Albus was able to read the headstone.

James and Lily Potter

Albus felt sick.

Katrina, Rose, and lily were tied up and gagged near the crypt. Lily was crying. Albus clenched his fists.

"Let them go."

"Albus!" Delphi smiled gleefully, and spread her arms warmly. She stood and advanced on him. "It's so nice to see you again," she professed. "Face to face," she added.

"Let them go," Albus persisted coldly.

"It's not that easy," Delphi insisted. "You give me what I want, then I'll give you what you want."

"I came. That's what you wanted. Let them go." Delphi frowned.

"Well..." she sighed. "I suppose you've got me there. Tell you what, I'll let one hostage of your choice free as a reward for coming to see me, though their lives should be reward enough. Choose. Which one goes free?" Rose and Katrina both glared at him and gestured to Lily.

"Let my sister go." Delphi waved her hand and Lily's bonds disappeared. She stumbled to her feet and ran to Albus. Albus held her tightly. "It's okay, Lily. It's going to be okay," he whispered to her as he sobbed into his shirt. "Dad's at the end of the street. Go find him." Lily hesitated.

"What-What about you?" she asked.

"I'll be okay," Albus lied. "Go find dad." Lily hesitated again for minute and then dashed out of thee graveyard through the fog and mist. Delphi seemed to be pondering something.

"And I guess since you brought darling Great nephew Scorpius with you it would be only fair to let another one go." Scorpius shuddered at the reminder that they were related. "Two for two. Go on, choose." Albus looked between the two girls.

"Go on, I don't have all day." Albus sighed. With one last apologetic look shot towards Rose, he answered.

"Let Katrina go." Once again, Delphi waved her hand, and the bonds disappeared.

"Albus," Katrina pleaded. "Change your mind. Please. I- I'm an-"

"An orphan?" Albus asked. Katrina nodded. "McGonagall told me."

"So you see? I have no family to go back to! Take Rose!"

"Rose knew the risks of being a Granger-Weasley." Rose nodded inn confirmation. "What's McGonagall going to tell the muggles when you never come back. It would cause a magical crisis." Katrina looked at the ground. "Go on, get out of here." Katrina hesitated, then hugged Albus and ran the direction that Lily had.

"Aww, how sweet," Delphi commented sarcastically. "Makes me want to barf. Let's get down to business." She paced over the grave.

"What do you want?" Scorpius asked incredulously. "The time turner was destroyed. We couldn't go back if we wanted to."

"Oh I'm not interested in going back anymore. No matter how hard I could try you would always stop me. If I still wanted to go back, I could have stolen your father's easily a long time ago."

"So what do you want?" Scorpius repeated. Delphi smirked meticulously.

"Revenge." she strode to Albus and touched his face. Albus flinched and tried to step away, but Delphi grabbed his wrist. "It doesn't have to be this way, Albus," she whispered. "I know you liked me. We could have a future. Together. Join me. Help me crush them." Albus shook his head.

"I will never join a witch like you," he spat. Delphi traced his cheekbone with her finger.

"Are you sure?"

"There is no doubt in my mind." she frowned, but not like she was genuinely upset, more like she was experiencing pity.

"Oh well. Crucio!" Albus cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"Albus!" Scorpius attempted to aid his friend, but the vines that grew over the forgotten tombstones came to life, binding him and lashing him to the crypt next to Rose.

"Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" Delphi cried out venomously. Albus felt like all of the pain in the world was being infused into him. There was nothing to describe the pain he was experiencing. He wondered how people survived it. The world turned upside down and went blurry. He felt like he was being shot, bathed in lava, torn limb from limb, and hit by lightning all at once.


"Expelliarmus! " Albus struggled to stand and see what was going on. He saw James, his wand pointed at a defenseless and astounded Delphi. He hurried to release Scorpius and Rose. He grabbed Delphi's wand, as he had left his back at Hogwarts. With a quick spell he released Scorpius, who quickly got to his feet, then he released Rose. Rose was not so eager to get to her feet. She just lay there. Albus knelt next to her.

"Come on, Rose, let's get out of here." Rose shook her head. She was almost to weak to speak.

"Can't- I- can't." Scorpius knelt down next to Albus.

"Rose, what did she do to you?" Albus pressed. She struggled to take a breath.

"Cru- Crucio. I- tried to- tried to- fight back." Albus and Scorpius shared a concerned glance.

"Come on," Scorpius scooped her up and she rested her head on his chest.

"You little!" Delphi had finally recovered form her temporary defeat. She shot a blast of fire at James who rolled out of the way.

"Accio Wand!" Her wand flew out of Albus' hand and the moment it reached her hand she disappeared. There was a silence.

"Come on," Albus said at last. "Let's go find dad."

The Cursed Chronicles: Year 5Where stories live. Discover now