Chapter 14

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"Mr. Potter! Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Potter! Mr. Potter!"

Albus woke with a gasp. Professor McGonagall was shaking him awake. His heart was beating so fast he was afraid it might jump out of his chest. Delphi had only said two sentences, but they alone were more terrifying than any of the other dreams he had.

"Mr. Potter, you look a little pale, is everything alright?"

"Al, are you okay?" Scorpius asked, his voice laced with concern. Albus looked between them.

"I've been having... dreams." He confessed.

"Dreams? What kind of Dreams?" Professor McGonagall demanded.

"I've been hearing Delphi. Speaking to me."

"And you didn't tell anyone?"

"I-I didn't-no." Professor McGonagall had gone drastically pale.

"This is worse than I feared."

"What is? Professor, why did you wake us up, what's wrong?" Professor looked between the boys, obviously terrified.

"Albus, your cousin has gone missing."

"What? Who- which one? I have eight."

"Miss Granger-Weasley. James said she told him she was going to the library to study when he passed her in the hall. A few minutes later he heard her screaming and rushed to the library. By the time he got there it was empty. The librarian had been out for a minute so no one was there to witness what happened." There was a grave silence. "He found this on one of the tables in the library."

It was a single piece of paper, with a black bird inked on it. It didn't mean anything to professor McGonagall, but when Albus looked at Scorpius he knew that he too was experiencing a sinking feeling. He too recognized the bird. 

"Well? Does it mean anything to you?" McGonagall pressed.

"It's an augurey," Albus said, voicing both of their suspicions. "Delphi is back." Professor placed a hand over her heart.

"But she's in Azkaban!"

"Not anymore," Albus said gravely. "In previous dreams she's tried to convince me to join her. In the one I just had she just said 'You foolish child. You should have joined me when you had the chance.' I think this is her way of getting revenge."

"You think she took Rose because you wouldn't join her?" Scorpius asked.

"That's the thing. I don't think she'll stop with Rose. We need to find-" His faltered as the voice of the new caretaker rang through the halls."

"Headmistress! Headmistress! Headmistress!" He appeared in the doorway of the hospital wing, where he was scolded by Madame Pomfrey for yelling near the patients in the dead of night.


"There's been another disappearance." he held up another slip of paper with the augurey on it. "Katrina Fizzleworth is missing."

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