Chapter 8

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After lunch, Rose and Katrina decided to hang out outside under a tree.

"So what does one do in a closet?"

"Read. Study. Write." Katrina shrugged. "It was starting to get boring."

"Only starting?" The two girls laughed. "So what do you want to talk about?" Rose asked. Katrina threw her hands in the air.

"I haven't talked to anyone in four years, how should I know what to talk about? You decide on a subject." Rose laughed.

"Okay. While the subject is on me, there is something I wanted to ask you."

"Well, go on then," Katrina said.

"Well... how do you feel about Scorpius?" Rose bit her lip, but Katrina bites her lip.

"Well, he's really nice and super funny and-" she saw Rose's look and her eyes widened. "Oh-no- I didn't mean- I mean- I don't think of him that way. He's just an acquaintance. He's all yours." Rose blushed.

"It's not-I don't- he's not-" Katrina put a finger to Rose's lips, silencing her.

"You are a terrible liar."

"I don' him that way." Rose said firmly. Katrina shrugged.

"Whatever floats your goat." Rose was eager to change the subject.

"How about you? Any boys?" Katrina scoffed.

"I've been communicating for like, three hours. That's not enough to have a crush." Rose shrugged.

"Hey, I heard that both Slytherin and Hufflepuff are having Quidditch tryouts. I'm gonna make Scorpius try out, how about you try it. Can't hurt to try." Katrina shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I've never really been that athletic."

"Well, if you change your mind, I think you should." Katrina looked like she was going to respond, but a group of students off to the side caught her eye. They were whispering, laughing and pointing- at her.

"This was a bad idea," she said suddenly, grabbing her bag. "I never should have come out of the closet."

"No, Katrina..." She trailed off when she saw one of the boys from the group approaching Katrina. Katrina glanced around for a way out, but couldn't find one.

"Hey," the boy said. "My friends and I were just noticing your shirt," he explained. "Call of the Wild, right?" Katrina just nodded. "I love that book!"

"It's one of my favorites," she said quietly.

"Hey, the Hogwarts "Muggle Literature" club is meeting next week. We'd love to have you join us." He handed her a flyer. "You look like you would appreciate the stuff we read. Just think about it. Hope to see you there!" he walked away and Katrina stared dumbfounded at the flyer. Rose grinned and gently punched her in the shoulder.

"See! Everyone loves you!" Katrina slowly smiled at the flyer.

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