Chapter 18

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The rest of the year passed by with little to no event. Scorpius and Albus were heroes. James was too. Rose and Lily got to share their stories with everyone, and even Katrina was under a bit of a spotlight.

The biggest event that occurred for the rest of the year was the big Gryffindor vs. Slytherin championship. Scorpius was nervous to jitters at breakfast. Thankfully (or unthankfully, it was a bit hard to decide) Polly Chapman provided a distraction.

As Scorpius was prodding his eggs, contemplating pretending he was sick and just not showing up for the game, Polly sauntered over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You know," she said, batting her eyelashes in a very in-Polly-like way. "I'm single at the moment and I'm free all summer, so if you want my number-" Albus could see Rose glaring at Polly from all the way on the other side of the room. Katrina, who had taken to sitting at the Hufflepuff table, noticed to and provided an appropriate distraction. Standing on the Hufflepuff table, she cupped her hands and shouted at the top of her lungs:

"WHO'S READY FOR THE GAME TODAY?!?" This caused an uproar of excitement, and the swarm of people getting up to hurry to the field and get seats swept Polly away. Unfortunately, it also reminded Scorpius that he had a game to play so it was a out of the frying pan and into the fire kind of deal.

After lots of dragging and whining and bribing, Albus got Scorpius to go to the game, though he was extremely reluctant. Albus and Katrina sat together in the bleachers. Katrina hadn't had such a bad year herself. If it wasn't for one of the Ravenclaw chasers (ironically the jerk who beat up Albus when he got off the train at the beginning of the year) breaking her arm, her team would have gone to finals. She wasn't too torn up about it though.

Commentating was Hugo Granger-Weasley, to everyone's surprise. He was actually pretty good at it. Albus had to ignore his sister behind him yelling "Bet here! Slytherin or Gryffindor? Bet here!"

The game was pretty well matched, and it stayed tied for pretty much the entire game. Slowly, Gryffindor crept ahead until they were 40 points ahead of Slytherin. ( a snitch is worth thirty points in case you didn't know. Albus did his research) The Slytherin seeker was oblivious and about to grab the snitch. That would have been the end of it and Gryffindor would of won, but just before he grabbed the snitch, Scorpius scored a goal. This meant that the game went into overtime. It was a vicious battle for the quaffle.

Finally the quaffle went into the air. Rose went to catch it and it seemed like she would, but Scorpius stole it right out from under her nose. He made a goal before the keeper realized what was happening, and the game was won. Down on the ground, all of Slytherin, and even some of the other houses, were lifting Scorpius up on their shoulders and chanting 'Scorpion King'.

When they set him down, Rose marched to him and Scorpius looked genuinely terrified. She slapped him and Hugo lead everyone in a long drawn out "Oooooooh!" Scorpius looked hurt, but before anyone could say anything, Rose had grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in. Nobody except for Katrina and Albus (who were silently fangirling from the stands) could believe what they were seeing. Was that Gryffindor chaser Rose Granger-Weasley snogging Slytherin chaser Scorpius Malfoy? Hugo wolf whistled into the mic as they pulled apart, causing everyone to laugh.

Scorpius was a bit bewildered, but definitely very happy, and Rose was likewise, very happy. Polly Chapman, on the other hand, was not too thrilled.

"She can get over herself," Katrina said blatantly. "Scorose is OTP."

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