Chapter 7

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"Hey Albus!"

"Hey Scorpius! Hey Rose!" The three met in the great hall.

"Who's your friend?" Scorpius asked, gesturing to the strange blonde girl next to Albus."

"Scorpius, Rose, this is Katrina. Katrina, this is my best friend Scorpius, the nerd, and my cousin, Rose."

"Is that all I am to you?" Scorpius said in mock offense. "A nerd?"

"And that's all you'll ever be," Albus confirmed with a grin. Him and Scorpius laughed. Rose and Katrina shared a look.

"Boys." Rose mouthed, and Katrina nodded in agreement.

"So how come I've never seen you around before?" Scorpius asked.

"Uh.... I spend most of my time in the closet."

"Why a closet?"

"Because.... it's quiet. And there aren't people in a closet."

"You've got a point there," Scorpius admitted. "I'll admit, I'm not particularly fond of people myself." Katrina giggled.

"See," Albus said pointedly to her. "You get along with people just fine."

"Yeah," Rose agreed, seeming a little torn. She like Katrina but didn't like the way Scorpius got on with her. "You're great." Katrina smiled.

"That's a relief. I haven't talked to anyone my age in four years." she confessed.

"I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me," Scorpius said. Katrina laughed again. "Well, let's go get food, Albus. I'm starving. I didn't get a chance to have breakfast." Katrina frowned.

"I'll just be going then-" Albus grabbed her arm.

"Hey, you promised." she sighed. Rose, detecting the situation, came to the rescue.

"You can come sit at the Gryffindor table with me." she offered. "We'd be glad to have you." Katrina smiled.

"That would be great." the two girls left for the table, while the boys left to join the Slytherins. Thankfully, nobody recognized Scorpius or Albus. They were too busy chattering about some very exciting news...

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