Chapter 5

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The first thing that happened when Albus got into the broom closet, was that everything went really dark. There wasn't even a crack under the door for light. He backed to the back of the closet. He never would have realized he wasn't alone, had he not sat right an top of the other person in the closet. Albus almost cried out, but the other person clamped their hand over his mouth. The hand stayed there until the footsteps died away.

"Who's in here?" Albus asked as soon as the hand went away. There was a pause, and then a light flickered on: a flashlight.

The first thing that hit Albus was how pretty she was without even trying. She had blonde hair, not platinum, but not dirty blonde. Just a simple almost sandy blonde. Her eyes were a really nice shade of blue, not too light, but not too dark. The thing was that Albus couldn't figure out what made her stand out to him compared to all of the other girls he knew. There was just something about her, something more to her that made her special.

The second thing was that he had never seen her before. She must have been his age she didn't look and older or younger, but he had never seen her before.

She extended her hand.

"My name is Katrina." she said quietly. "Katrina Fizzleworth." Albus shook her hand.

"My name is Albus. Albus..." Albus debated whether to tell her his last name or not.

"Potter." She finished for him. "I can understand maybe wanting a chance for someone not to know your last name." she commented. "I've seen how the other kids judge you on how you act because you're a Potter." Albus appreciated that she understood.

"That's funny," he said. "Because I've never seen you." She hugged her legs against her chest. Albus noticed in the dim light that her robes were yellow.

"Nobody really notices me," she said quietly. Then she noticed Albus' look of pity. "I like it best that way though," she said quickly. " Everyone thinks I'm weird, so it's best that they don't know I exist."

"But how? I mean, you need to take classes, and you need meals."

"I have private classes, and I get to the grand hall early and eat my meals in here." She gestured to an empty plate beside her.

"But why go to all of this trouble to avoid people?" Albus asked.

"Because everyone who meets me thinks I'm weird."

"I don't think you're weird."

"I'm a total nerd. I read books for fun, and I have no friends?"

"So what if you're a nerd and like to read books? My best friend is a complete nerd."

"Yeah, but..." she sighed. "People think I'm weird. Sometimes people don't need reasons. Honestly, I think someone just needed someone to pick on so they picked on me, so everyone else picked on me, and made my life miserable, so...." she gestured to the closet. "I spend my days in here. The library would be preferable, but a surprising amount of people spend their time in the library."

"That's not right." She shrugged.

"It's really not such a big deal when you don't have friends," she said.

"Well, you have a friend now," Albus said firmly.


"Yeah, so now you can come out."

"I'm not sure-"

"Well I am." Albus took her hand and pulled her out of the closet.

"So what do you want to do today?" She shrugged.

"I don't really know what there is to do."

"How about we go outside?"

"Is that allowed?"

"Going outside? Why wouldn't it be? Haven't you ever been outside?"

"I've never been outside of the castle besides coming and leaving Hogwarts for the year," she admitted.

"You've never been outside?" She shook her head. "Well that settles it." he grabbed her arm. "Come on, follow me." Albus lead her outside and down the Hogwarts steps. It was a nice day, but there were only a few people outside. They all gave funny looks in Albus and Katrina's direction.

They don't recognize her either. Albus thought. He led her down to a tree by the water. She still had a book in her hand. They sat down in the grass.

"So you just have private classes to avoid people?"

"Pretty much."

"I think you'd e surprised by how people would treat you if you started being around people again. Why don't you try coming to lunch and see?"

"Well, my only friend at the moment is a Slytherin," she gestured to his robes. "And I would have to sit at the Hufflepuff table, so..."

"Just give it a shot?" Albus plead. Katrina sighed.

"Fine." Albus smiled.

"Yay!" She laughed.

"So do you prefer Al or Albus?"

"Either one works. How about you, can I call you Kat?"

"You can call me whatever you want. "

"Okay potato chip."

"How about...No."

"How about... pineapple?"



"Not my favorite."

"We'll stick with Kat then."

"That sounds like the best idea you've said since I met you."

"You met me twenty minutes ago!"

"Makes it easy, doesn't it?" 

The Cursed Chronicles: Year 5Where stories live. Discover now