1. I Miss You

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV

The phone rings for what feels like an eternity. I nervously bite my nails, waiting for him to pick up.

"Come on Kookie..." I wait even longer and then- voicemail. I sigh and go to text the boy who has been notoriously avoiding my calls.

Taetae: you can't avoid me forever, please call me.

Kook: i have a good reason. I promise.

Taetae: wow you actually replied!! Now do me a favor and call me, like now.
Read 5:27

Ugh this boy will be the death of me. I lay down on my bed in defeat when I hear my phone vibrate. I almost fall off my bed trying to answer it.

"Jeongguk you have some explaining to do!"
I hear him laugh through the phone. Oh how I missed that laugh.

"I'm sorry Tae, but I really don't want to tell you over the phone."

"You've said that. But every time I try and ask you to hangout you say you're busy. I miss you, Jeongguk."

"Believe me I miss you too."

"The Fourth of July is on Saturday, we have to do something for that right? Please tell me you're not busy or you'll have to actually hear me cry over the phone."

"If you do that I'll hang up on you so I wouldn't. But yes Saturday I'm actually free. I'll tell you then."

I sigh in relief. "Ok sounds great! You can come over then. I actually have something to show you."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything."

We exchange our goodbyes before ending the call. I almost feel anxious, seeing as I haven't heard from this boy in so long. Saturday can't come fast enough.


AN: I know this chapter was short but it'll pick up as the story progresses. I hope you enjoy!
Also I realize the Fourth of July is an American holiday. I'm not really sure where this story takes place but oh well just go with it.

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