16. You're Beautiful

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Taehyung POV:

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Taehyung POV:

"Merry Christmas!" I yell as I barge into Jeongguk's room.

A tired Jeongguk peeks his head out of his covers and smiles while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.


"Merry Christmas," he replies and gets out of bed to greet me.

Finals were finally over and I'm glad I have time to just focus on Jeongguk. I feel like we haven't properly hung out in ages.

"You're wearing my sweatshirt," I say as he comes over and wraps his arms around my waist. He simply nods and buries his face in my shoulder.

"Good. I like seeing you in it."

He pulls away and gets ready for the day while I sit on his bed and stare at the ceiling. Soon enough we're headed out for the day.

Hands intertwined, I drive us to the indoor ice skating rink, a place Jeongguk has been longing to go to for a while.

The ride there consists of mainly the two of us belting out Christmas songs in our loudest, most obnoxious voices.

When Jeongguk sees where we are his face lights up and he squeezes my hand in excitement.

"You never said we were going here!" He exclaims.

I shrug. "Surprise!"

We get out of the car and head to the building. Once inside we get our skates and begin preparing to step on the ice.

The rink wasn't overly crowded, which was much appreciated. Christmas decorations filled our surroundings. The air smelled of hot cocoa and gingerbread, a winning combination.

Jeongguk finishes lacing up his skates and I give him a hand to bring him to the ice. We're both quite terrible skaters, really. But it's just being in each other's company that means the most.

Our hands remain tightly laced together, like two pieces of a puzzle. I look over at Jeongguk and can't help but smile.

How did I get so lucky?

He's too busy taking in the atmosphere to notice my stares. He's like a little kid on Christmas morning... I suppose that's exactly what he is.

We've been making laps around the rink for a while before Jeongguk starts to slow down.

"You want a break?" I ask.

He stops skating and coughs a few times before replying. "I'm not feeling too well if I'm honest."

I give him a look of concern and he immediately reassures me. "It's nothing bad, I'm fine. I just need to rest I think."

"Why don't we go to my house and watch Christmas movies, yeah?" I suggest.

He nods in excitement and we exit the rink, my hand on the small of his back.

Once home we're curled up on the couch watching a marathon of movies with Rudolph currently on the screen.

"Sorry we left so early. I had fun though, thank you," Jeongguk says quietly.

I pull him closer to my side. "Don't be sorry. Are you feeling any better?"

"A little, why?"

"I just have one more destination I want to take you to for the evening. If it's okay with you, of course."

He nods his head and we abandon the movie to head out for the night.

We're driving for a while and Jeongguk begins to get quite impatient.

"Where are you even taking me?" He asks.

"Don't worry, you'll love it."

He sighs and looks out the window. How dramatic.

A few more minutes pass when the bright lights in the distance get closer.

I wake up Jeongguk, who had fallen asleep a couple minutes ago, by patting his thigh. He slowly wakes up and lets his eyes adjust to the lights.

"Woooah!" He gasps in awe at the sight. Surrounding us are thousands of twinkling Christmas lights set up in a breathtaking display.

I park the car and we walk through the lights show, stopping every now and then to take in the beauty.

"This is beautiful," Jeongguk revels.

"You're beautiful," I reply.

"Agh! You're so cliche it's gross."

"Speaking of cliche..." I say and point to the space above us.

He looks up to see mistletoe hanging above our heads. Surprisingly, I didn't even plan this part.

He laughs. "Come here," he says as he tugs on my waist.

The kiss is unlike any we've shared before. In that moment there weren't any worries. It was all too perfect. Our lips meet and slowly part. My hands make their way to his body. I can't get enough of him.

He places a hand on my back and moves down lower and lower until-

"Ah! You cheeky shit!"

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about..." he says and tries to re initiate the kiss.

"Liar. You just assaulted my ass in public!" I whisper-shout.

He laughs, grabbing my hand to continue our walk. "So you're saying you'd be fine if I assaulted your ass in private?"

I choke on the air. "When did you become so corrupted?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I learn from the best," he says with a wink.

"Get over here-" I pull him into my embrace and ruffle his hair. I stop and tilt his chin up so he's looking at me before placing another quick kiss on his lips.

"Did you have a good Christmas, baby?" I ask.

He nods vigorously as we head back to the car. "Yes, thanks to you," he says looking up at me.

I hold his hand tighter and continue our stroll. I look over and just focus on him. His face is reflecting the colors of the Christmas lights and his smile is brighter than any of the stars in the sky. He looks absolutely radiant. I know he's the greatest gift I could have asked for.


AN: *writes a Christmas chapter in September* its fine.

Happy late birthday to Kookie! He's not a teenager anymore I'm sad.

Anyways enjoy the update- or don't. I don't know.

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