15. We Can Just Be Us

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Jeongguk POV

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Jeongguk POV


I'm taken out of my thoughts by the sound of Taehyung's voice.

We're currently at the library, as Taehyung is studying for finals. I'm officially not in school at all, not even online. It's really no use at this point, seeing as I don't have much time left as it is. I have yet to tell Taehyung. I just don't want him to worry more than he already is.

I look up at him sitting across the table from me and can't help but smile. "I'm bored," he sighs out dramatically.

"Well we've been here a few hours already, do you want to go to one of our houses?" I ask.

He nods and begins putting his books away. "Yeah, but can we go to your house? My dad is home now and I don't really want to be around him, let alone bring you into that mess..."

"I understand," I say as I stand up from my chair. We make our way out of the library and start walking to my house, which is about a 15 minute walk. As we walk my breath begins to shorten and I start to cough.

Taehyung looks at me in concern. "You okay?" He asks. I nod my head as I try to contain my coughs. He smiles and reaches over to hold my hand in his. I hesitate at the gesture at first but start to relax as Taehyung moves his thumb over my hand to reassure me.

We continue our walk before arriving at my house and heading up to my room. Taehyung plops on my bed before I can say anything. "C'mere," he mumbles into a pillow. I laugh and do as he says, sitting in the edge of my bed.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest. He puts his head in the crook of my neck and places light kisses on my jaw. I'm surprised at the sudden skinship but I don't complain.

"I'm so glad I have you," he says against my skin.

I want to be able to reciprocate his actions. I want to hold him and tell him how happy he makes me and kiss him back. I want to do all of that so badly. So why don't I?

It's strange. For so long I've had a thing for Taehyung and now that I know he feels the same, I'm scared. I don't want things to change between us. And most of all I don't want him to get even closer to me before I'm gone.

"Tae, what are we?" I ask, turning around to face him. He keep a hand on my back and moves up and down. The movements almost lull me to sleep.

"Whatever you want us to be," he says. I nod but I'm not sure I fully understand his response. He probably sensed that because he starts to explain further.

"Jeongguk, I don't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I know we kissed once and I know we've said we have feelings for each other, but that doesn't mean we have to change. Do I want you to be my boyfriend? Of course I do. But only if you want to. We don't have to call ourselves anything. We can just be us if that's all you want."

I move myself closer to his chest and rest my head beneath his chin. "Thank you," I whisper.

He kisses the top of my head and continues to rub my back. "You tell me if anything I do is too much, okay? I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes but I can hold back if that's what you want," he says.

I shake my head and put a hand on his cheek before placing my lips on his. He smiles into the kiss and moves his hand lower on my waist and makes his way to my thigh. He pulls my leg over him so I'm now straddling his hips. I break the kiss and just look at him, our foreheads touching.

"You're cute, you know that?" I say to him. He laughs and pulls me to lay across his body. He begins playing with my hair as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Will you stay tonight?" I ask.

"Baby, you know I have a final tomorrow," he says. Baby. I blush at the nickname and try to hide my face in his shirt. I pout at his response and he takes notice. "But hey, it's almost break and then we can be together more. Although, I practically already live here." I punch his shoulder lightly. "Hey, hey! Am I really the bad guy for caring about my grades?"

"Yes," I joke, and he frowns. But I pinch his cheek and it turns to a smile.

"I should get going," he says, trying to move up from the bed. I groan at the lack of warmth when he leaves to make his way to the door. "Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?" He asks.

"You're such a loser," I say. But I oblige and get out of bed to place a quick peck on his lips before he goes. We exchange our goodbyes and I return to my bed. But it feels a million times emptier now.


AN: what an update? Idk I just had some free time and felt like writing a lil something so... here's this fluff overload. Don't know if I'll be updating consistently yet because my summer reading is killing me. But we shall see.

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