8. Don't Worry About Me

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV

Taetae: rooftop?

Kook: that means something bad happened right?

He knows me too well. Jeongguk and I have made the rooftop of my apartment a place for venting.

When everything in our lives is eating away at us, we go to the roof and just stare out at the world. It feels like some sort of therapy.

Taetae: don't be too concerned, just hurry please.

I sit on the rooftop anxiously awaiting Jeongguks arrival. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see my best friend approaching.

He sits down next to me and I can tell he's trying to read the expression on my face.

"What happened?" He asks concerned.

"Before I start just know that this isn't bad. Well, kind of. I'll get to that," I start.

He looks at me with his deep, expressive eyes. I almost get lost in them before I remember what I was talking about.

"I'm going to New York... for 3 weeks."

He ponders over what to respond with. "What?" Is all he says.

"I got an internship there. I honestly thought about declining it but I realized that would be stupid. I can't miss this opportunity," I say.

He furrows his brow as I speak. "That's great! But what makes this a bad thing?" He asks.

"Well... I don't know I mean 3 weeks is a long time like I've never been away from yo-" I cough to cover up what I was about to blurt out.

"I mean I've never been away from home that long and I don't know I guess it's not bad, forget I said anything," I babble on.

Is something wrong with me? Does Jeongguk not feel the least bit upset that we won't be seeing each other for 3 weeks?

"Taehyung, what's wrong?" He asks innocently.

I scratch the back of my neck nervously. "It's just... you told me how you weren't feeling the best, how you wanted to die. I guess I don't know if that's still how you feel or if it's a fleeting emotion but, I'm scared to leave you alone Jeongguk," I blurt out.

His face falls as if he remembered all his past thoughts. "Don't worry about me Tae. Don't let me hold you back. Go to New York. I'm happy for you and I don't want you to be concerned for me the whole time you're there," he says.

Although his words are happy and encouraging I can see a glint of water in his eyes. I can tell he's holding something back, but I don't bother trying to get it out of him. At least not now.

"When do you leave?" He asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"In 2 days."

He nods to himself as we both stand up to leave the rooftop.

We both pause and just look at each other. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

Before I can process what's going on, Jeongguk envelops me in a hug. I can't help myself from clinging to him like my life depends on it.

I don't know how I'm going to survive 3 weeks without him.


AN: I have a precalc exam tomorrow and here I am writing this instead of doing anything to prepare for it so plz pray for my grades thanks.

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