2. We'll Be Okay

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Jeongguk POV

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Jeongguk POV

    I follow my best friend down the dim hallway of his apartment. "Where on earth are you taking me?" I ask.

He turns around and flashes me a bright smile. "Just wait," he says.

We make our way to a large door and he pulls out a key, placing it into the lock. I give him a confused glance, but I don't bother questioning how he found this. Beyond the door is a rusty ladder leading to a hatch in the ceiling.

Tae climbs to the top and opens the door, letting in a slight breeze. I follow him and he gives me a hand, helping me up. I emerge onto the roof of his apartment complex and the view is something truly extraordinary.

I can see the flickering lights of the city and distant mountains stretch for miles. He gestures with his arms as a way to show off his discovery.

"Taehyung, you are something else," I say. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the edge of the building where a thin railing is all that holds us back. His light touch gives me butterflies, I hate to admit. I've been in love with this boy for ages but there's no way I'd do anything to pursue it, especially now.

"How did you find this?" I ask, in awe.

"I have my ways," is all he says. We stand up to the railing side by side. I can't deny how much I missed Taehyung.

It's been weeks since I've seen him last, something we'd never thought could happen considering we're almost always at each others houses. Our parents joke about how we basically live at the others house. Being with him now makes me regret putting this off for so long.

The deep navy sky is filled with hundreds of bright colors. Tae and I always got together for the fourth of July, seeing as it's our favorite holiday. Never before have I seen a sight quite like this though.

The view looks over almost the entire city. My amazement is interrupted by my jarring thoughts and my smile fades. I planned that tonight I would finally tell Taehyung what's been going on.

I try to remain happy but the thought of having to tell him pains me so much. He takes notice of my blank expression. "Are you okay?" he asks, staring at me intently. I gulp and at this point I'm trying my hardest to hold back tears as I shake my head.

His smile immediately falls. He doesn't say anything, instead he waits for me to speak. "I have cancer," I say. I can't stand to look at him right now. I know if I look into his eyes I'll just break down.

"What?" he almost whispers.

"I have melanoma, skin cancer. That's why I haven't been able to hang out lately."

The cool summer night air suddenly feels much colder. "Look at me," he says, as he takes hold of my wrist again. I blink away the water in my eyes and turn to face him. When I see the tears falling down his rosy cheeks I can't help but cry too.

He instantly pulls me into his warm embrace and I just sit there, almost numb to what's going on. I try and hold back my sobs into his shoulder, but I can't anymore.

I sit there just clutching the fabric on his back, as if he's going to disappear any second. Neither of us say anything for quite some time. We don't have to. It's almost like we're having a thousand conversations without words.

We go back to watching the fireworks take over the sky when I break the silence. "Tae, please don't hold yourself back." He looks at me, confused. "If I die, you'll have no one. Please just try and reach out to someone so I can at least die knowing you have somebody else."

"Don't say that, please," he says. I can hear the pain behind his words. "Don't act like you're so replaceable. I'm not going to just let you get rid of me so easily. We're going to do whatever it takes to make these moments count, okay? And please, don't be so certain that you're leaving."

I lean my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath. "We'll be okay," I say.

He leans his head on top of mine and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "You'll be okay," he says.


AN: I hope this doesn't go too fast, I'll try to space it out nicely. But omg not bts related but got7's album was just released and I want death it's so amazing. That is all.

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