10. I Couldn't Sleep

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(look I made a crappy edit be proud)

(look I made a crappy edit be proud)

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Taehyung POV

It's been a long day when I finally arrive to my hotel room. It was my last day in New York and although I've loved every minute of it, something was leading me to want to go home.

That something was Jeongguk.

I felt terrible just leaving him after he told me what he's been feeling. I want nothing more than to be home with him and make sure everything is okay.

Despite being apart we still can't go a day without talking. Although it's late I hop on the hotel bed and open FaceTime.

After a few moments my call is answered and I'm delighted to be greeted by a smiling Jeongguk.

"Taehyung!" He exclaims at the sight of me.

"I'm surprised you're still awake since it's so late! Sorry I didn't get a chance to call till now," I say.

He looks down and laughs in response. "I couldn't sleep without talking to you..." he mumbles.

I try to contain the fond in my face though I'm sure it isn't working.

Jeongguk is lying in bed as he looks at me through the screen with tired eyes. His messy hair frames his face and his lips appear pouty with every word he says.

He looks perfect.

"So how's New York been?" He asks.

"Good! I mean it's great and all but I can't help but miss you...and home, yeah I miss home a lot and just being there and not here and uh- yeah," I ramble on, trying to hide the awkwardness but only making it worse.

"I miss you too."

We both smile. Even though we're both exhausted the conversation stays lively. Minutes turn to hours and before I know it I see the sun coming up.

"Taehyung we've been talking for 6 hours," Jeongguk says with a yawn.

I roll over in bed and glance at the sun peaking through the curtains. "I guess we have," I laugh.

Although my head aches from being awake for so long I don't regret a thing. I soon realize that my flight leaves today and I'll get to finally be home.

This thought is proceeded by realizing my flight leaves in less than two hours and I've done nothing to get ready.

"Shit, Jeongguk, I really have to go pack and get ready for my flight but I'll see you when I land?"

He seems too tired to word out a proper response and simply nods his head as he rubs his eyes.

"I'll see you soon. Get some sleep," I say before ending the call.

I re pack my luggage as fast as I can and try to get as presentable as possible while functioning on zero hours of sleep.

As I head to the airport I'm consumed with happiness at the thought of being home shortly.


AN: I feel like this chapter is kinda boring oops. I promise it will pick up soon! Also I haven't updated in ages because school is destroying me.

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