14. Let's Just Be Honest

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV

This past week and a half has been rough to say the least.

Taetae: i miss you.
Read 9:32

I sigh, realizing that my texts aren't getting through to him.

After I left Jeongguk's house that night, I've made numerous attempts to reach out and fix things but he's ignored every single one of them.

I always knew Jeongguk needed someone there for him, needed me. He's always been dependent in that way, not that I mind. I just never realized that maybe I need him just the same.

Taetae: please talk to me Jeongguk, this is killing me.
Read 9:34

Taetae: i need you

Kook is typing...

FUCK! He's finally responding and I don't know what to do with myself.

Kook: can you come over please?

Really? That's all he says after ignoring me for days on end? Regardless, here I am still on my way to his house.

When I arrive I make my way to the door and before I can even raise my hand to knock, the door opens to Jeongguk standing before me.

I don't have time to process what's going on before he pulls me into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry I keep pushing you away. I don't mean it and I never will. Please don't leave me no matter what I say," he says, voice muffled against my shoulder.

I gently graze my hand through his hair in attempts to relax his breathing.

"Hey, look at me," I say and lightly push Jeongguk away while resting my hands on his shoulders.

His eyes are puffy and his cheeks are tinted red. My heart breaks at the sight of him.

"You know I'm always here," I whisper.

"B-but what about Jimin..."

"What about him? He's just an acquaintance from school, you're so much more and don't ever forget that."

He nods and for once I start to see a smile appear on his face.

We make our way to the living room and turn on the TV, which is honestly just for background noise.

He sits on the couch and gestures for me to sit next to him. When I do he nuzzles close to my side.

"Taehyung," he begins, looking up at me. "let's just be honest; we both like each other right?"

I'm caught off guard by his words. I let out a slight laugh and nervously run my fingers through my hair.  "Was I that obvious?"

He nods in response. The room goes silent for a bit.

"Why did you freak out after we kissed?" I asked. I can tell he feels the need to address it but doesn't know how.

"I was afraid," he says. "If it wasn't already apparent, I care about you Tae. The last thing I want is for us to get even more attached to each other. It's just going to make saying goodbye even worse and that's why this is all so hard for me."

"I know it's scary to think about. But it's going to hurt me regardless. Avoiding me isn't going to lessen the pain," I say.

"I know. That's why I'm going to try."

My face lights up at what he says. "Really?" I ask.

He nods. "If that's okay with you of course."

"Shut up, of course it's okay with me."

He laughs and takes my hand to lead him up to his bedroom. "Will you stay?" He asks, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I say yes and the two of us find our way to his bed, bodies entangled with one another as we drift asleep.

This time it's different. This time it isn't friends trying to desperately hide their attractions for each other. This time it's as something more.

AN: ok tbh this book has taken a completely different directly than what I planned. I was originally never going to have them officially end up together but this kinda just felt right???

Also I've been gone for a while because of school and such but hopefully I'll be more active now since it's summer but we shall see. I'm very lazy and never proofread so if I even upload a chapter that's good enough for me.

Also- just putting this out there now- this book will have absolutely zero smut so sorry if that's what you want but 1. Im terrible at writing it and 2. It doesn't fit anywhere in the story/with the characters.

That's all for now oh wait aLSO- bts won a bbma???? I'm so proud???? And aye Festa is beginning so I'm pumped and this is the longest authors note of all time so I'll leave it at that.

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