6. I Could Never Hate You

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Jeongguk POV

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Jeongguk POV

Taetae: hey can I come over please? I really need to talk to you.

Although it was mid-afternoon I was sleeping, obviously. I glance over at my phone and I'm immediately overcome with fear.

Kook: of course! Are you ok?

Taetae: Ill be ok. I'll explain in person.

I stare out my bedroom window in anticipation for him to arrive. What could possibly be wrong?

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door and I rush downstairs to open it. I'm greeted by Taehyung, although he's different. His boxy smile is replaced with a slight frown and his eyes look tired and wet.

He looks at me and we don't say anything before making our way to my room. I shut the door and we both sit on my bed. The atmosphere feels tense.

Before I can ask what's wrong he starts tearing up, trying to conceal it as much as possible.

"It's my dad, Jeongguk. I... saw him hit my mom and I didn't know what to do," he says, stuttering between his words.

I wrap an arm around to his back and begin rubbing in small circles, attempting to calm his emotions.

"They've always fought but I never thought it would get this bad," he cries.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung," I whisper. I've never been one who's good with words. I'm not sure what he needs to hear right now. I myself am in shock as well.

He sighs before forcing a light smile. "It's okay. I'll be graduating soon and maybe I can get a place for my mom and I," he responds.

Some time passes and we both just lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling as we vent about our lives. This has become a common occurrence for us lately.

"I just don't understand how he could do that to the woman he once loved, or anyone for that matter," Taehyung says. "I know that when I get married I could never do anything to hurt my husb-" he stops abruptly and covers his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"I mean..." he starts but I cut him off.

"It's okay Taehyung. You don't have to say anything. Me too," I say and turn my head to look at him.

Taehyung and I, despite being as close as we are, had never really openly discussed our sexualities. We just never got girlfriends and never really mentioned it. Come to think of it, we never got boyfriends either. But we both kind of understood without saying anything.

He smiles and his eyes light up. "Really? Thank god!" He says, laughing nervously. "I just always thought you'd hate me if I told you and I couldn't risk that," he says.

My heart breaks at that statement. Why would Taehyung think I could ever hate him? "Never. I could never hate you, even if I tried," I reply.

We lay there in silence for what feels like forever. But honestly I could've stayed like that even longer.


AN: ahh I love this chapter. My bbs are finally progressing. Also BTS are nominated for a bbma um I'm crying?? I'm so proud???

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