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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV

Upon boarding the plane my first priority was sleep.

Not just for my own sake, but also so Jeongguk wouldn't have to be greeted by an exhausted, irritable Taehyung.

The flight went incredibly fast since I was asleep for the entire thing. Finally, I was home.

I raced through the airport to get to Jeongguk and I's predetermined meeting spot as fast as I could without looking like a complete freak.

Soon enough, I see him.

He catches a glimpse of me as well and we both run in each other's direction, trying to weave through the crowd to the bests of our abilities.

And suddenly I'm engulfed by his arms being flung around me with so much force that I almost fall to the ground.

It takes me a moment to respond before I do the same to him.

After what was probably an eternity, we pull away from each other, although my hands lingered at his waist longer than they probably should have.

All we do is look at each other. And for that moment the world around me froze. It was just Jeongguk and I in that airport and I knew that nothing else matters.

We then realize that it's been a couple minutes and we haven't even said a word to one another yet.

"Hi," Jeongguk says shyly. I'm not sure why the both of us are so quiet. It almost feels like meeting for the first time.

"Hi," I respond, laughing and trying to catch my breath.

The two of us pick up my luggage before grabbing a bite to eat. All the while I tell Jeongguk countless stories from New York, including the time I got lost on the subway and was certain that would be the end of me.

He doesn't say much this whole time. Instead he just listens to everything I tell him. I can tell he is genuinely interested in what I say and I couldn't thank him more for that.

As we exit the airport something, I don't quite know what, told me to grab hold of Jeongguk's hand.

And so I did. Fingers interlocked, we made our way to the car.

I saw him look up at me from the corner of my eye after I held his hand. I swear I saw him smile. I couldn't bring myself to look back at him or I know I'd lose it.


AN: another pretty short chapter but aye double update. Also I've mentioned this before but I have no clue where the setting of this story takes place so sorry if it makes no sense and there's not any Korean slang or honorifics.

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