Chapter 3

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After the 'attack' at the school, there were firefighters and police officers everywhere cleaning up the mess from the explosion. School was cancelled that day and the cancellation was extended for about 1 week so the students had a free week. While the firefighters and officers were cleaning up the mess, Rainbow Dash was leaning on an army car, waiting for further notice about what happened. He saw Fluttershy walking towards her car which was right beside the army car Rainbow was leaning on, Rainbow just stared at the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, Fluttershy, walking to her car. He had his arms cross and so as his legs leaning against the army car. When Fluttershy got to her car, she walked up to Rainbow. Fluttershy was a bit nervous but she decided to talk to him.
"..T-Thanks" Fluttershy said, Rainbow Dash stood up, leaning his shield on the army car.
"For what?" Rainbow asked, having a small grin on his face.
"For saving our school today from the attack" Fluttershy said, looking towards the school then back to Rainbow.
"Ah, it was nothing, I'm used to that all the time now" Rainbow said
"I assumed you'd be used to that kinda stuff" Fluttershy said, looking to the floor
"Y-Yeah" Rainbow said, scratching the back of his head.

I don't want him to go back, I..i love him. I don't want to go through that pain of missing Rainbow again ~ Fluttershy thought to herself.

She needed to tell Rainbow that she didn't want him to go. There was an awkward silence between the two before Fluttershy spoke up, nervous.
"Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked nervously.
"Yeah?". Rainbow replied, staring down at Fluttershy. Based on how the way Fluttershy said his name, he knew something was wrong.
"...I, um..". Fluttershy began.
"Is everything okay?" Rainbow asked
"..y-yeah, it's just that um,.." Fluttershy stopped again.
"..I don't want you to go back.." Fluttershy mumbled but was audible enough for Rainbow to hear. That's when Rainbow realized that Fluttershy did miss him when he left and that she doesn't want to go through the pain of losing someone she loved. But this got Rainbow thinking, did Fluttershy love him back? She seems pretty down about Rainbow leaving.
"..Fluttershy...I wanna stay but, I have orders, I have to go back". Rainbow said, leaving Fluttershy devastated.
"Oh...okay then". Fluttershy said, getting ready to leave, she felt like she was gonna cry. Rainbow saw how sad Fluttershy was so Rainbow had an idea. When Fluttershy started walking off, Rainbow grabbed her hand, making Fluttershy blush.
"Wait" Rainbow said, getting Fluttershy's attention.
"I'll ask if I can stay". Rainbow said, Fluttershy now felt a bit of happiness but also some guilt. What if Rainbow gets in trouble for asking? What if Rainbow if just staying back because he feels bad for Fluttershy?
But Rainbow actually did want to stay, he wanted to see the girl he's in love with more.
"..Okay". Fluttershy said, before Rainbow walked up to the General.
"General?". Rainbow asked in a professional tone.
"Yes Cap.?". General said
"I want to ask a favour to stay in Canterlot for the remainder of this mission". Rainbow said. The General raised his eyebrow
"Reason?".The general asked. Rainbow hesitated, he couldn't say that he wanted to stay back because he loved someone, that would be unfair to the other soldiers. Rainbow had to make up an excuse.
"..I uh, my mother is very sick and I want to stay back just in case of anything bad happens". Rainbow said, nervously. The General looked at Rainbow with a confused look, then he looked towards Fluttershy. The General knew that Rainbow and Fluttershy had a connection with each other so he knew that Rainbow wanted to stay because he loved Fluttershy.
"How 'bout you tell me the real reason you want to stay?". The General asked, Rainbow widened his eyes and hesitated.
"Is it because of her?". The General said, pointing his head towards Fluttershy, causing Rainbow to look back towards her.

Great, now I have to tell the truth ~ Rainbow thought

"...yeah". Rainbow confessed. The General gave Rainbow an angry look
"We can't have you stay, you need to be focused on this mission and focus on being a soldier!, she will be a distraction". The General yelled. Rainbow got angry.
"Just because I'm the first super soldier doesn't mean I can't have a love life!". Rainbow said
"You are not allowed to stay, and I forbid you on seeing her, never talk about her nor see her again". The General said, then walked away. Rainbow got really angry but, it was The General's order. And if you don't obey it, your a goner. So Rainbow Dash gave a big sigh and walked back to where Fluttershy was. Fluttershy already knew that Rainbow couldn't stay by the look on his face.
"..I can't stay". Rainbow said, Fluttershy looked down.
"I supposed...". Fluttershy spoke. Then a soldier came up to Rainbow.
"Captain, we have to go now". The soldier said, Rainbow nodded to him after and he left.
"Well uh, I gotta go now Fluttershy" Rainbow said, Fluttershy looked up to Rainbow.
"Alright, it was nice seeing you again.." Fluttershy said, starting to walk away. Rainbow could see the sadness and disappointment in her eyes, he couldn't just leave Fluttershy again. As Fluttershy was walking away again, Rainbow stopped her with one word.
"Graduation!". Rainbow shouted, causing Fluttershy to turn back to him, her eyes were starting to water.
"...What about it?". Fluttershy asked
"I will be graduating high school because there was classes there at the army base so I caught up in my school work and I will have enough credits to graduate, so I will see you at graduation in 7 months". Rainbow said quickly, this all completely surprised Fluttershy. They said that they had to drop out of school but Rainbow is still graduating? But now Fluttershy was happy because she was able to see Rainbow again soon, well in 7 months. Fluttershy smiled a bit.
"..T-That's great!". Fluttershy said.
"Just 7 months and I will get to see you again". Rainbow said. Fluttershy smiled, making Rainbow blush. He finally got to see her smile again. Rainbow waved goodbye and starting walking towards the army trucks to leave but something was stopping him. It's like there was a giant weight chained to his leg that kept him from walking any further. Although he was now the most strongest human being on earth, this was definitely stronger. It was like the only way to lift this weight off was to go back to Fluttershy and do something. Something Rainbow was now trying to figure out as quick as he could before he had to leave. He stopped walking and looked back at Fluttershy whom was about to go into her car. It was like a lighted pathway was leading to her, like it was the golden path to follow. Rainbow already knew that he loved Fluttershy but what did he need to do before he needs to leave? Then Rainbow got it. This surprised Rainbow. Was this what he needed to do to lift this weight off his chest? It seemed pretty risky for their friendship but it needed to happen. Rainbow needs to kiss Fluttershy before he leaves back to the army base. It was the only way to go.

Okay, it's straight forward, just go up to her and kiss her, just like that. Shouldn't be to hard right? ~ Rainbow thought

Rainbow took a deep breath and started walking to Fluttershy in a confident way. When Fluttershy noticed that Rainbow was walking back to her, she stopped what she was doing and stood beside her car, waiting for Rainbow. As Rainbow was getting closer to Fluttershy, many things were going through his head; don't do it, you'll ruin your friendship, kiss her, you'll feel better after, she doesn't feel the same, she loves you too...
But Rainbow shoved those thoughts away and kept walking. When he finally got to her, he just did it. He kissed her. Fluttershy was beyond surprised at this point. At the moment, she wasn't doing anything because she was still in shock. But right before she could kiss back, Rainbow broke the kiss.
"..I'm sorry". Rainbow said fast. Rainbow was just about to say something else but Fluttershy kissed him before he could say it. Rainbow was happy now. Since Fluttershy kissed him back that means that she loves Rainbow right? They both shared a passionate kiss together as Rainbow put his hand around Fluttershy's waist and leaned against her car as Fluttershy had her hands wrapped around Rainbow's neck. The weight on Rainbow's chest now disappeared. They both broke the kiss in need for more air but they were still holding onto each other.
"Fluttershy,...I-I love you, a lot". Rainbow said. Fluttershy smiled
"Me too Rainbow". Fluttershy said right before a horn was heard from where the army trucks were, probably signalling that Rainbow needs to head back now. They both turned their heads to where the horn noise came from then looked back at each other.
"Graduation, 7 months until I get to kiss your sweet lips again". Rainbow said before kissing Fluttershy again. Fluttershy smiled and accepted the kiss but it only lasted a short while until Rainbow needed to go now. They both got out of each other's embrace and Rainbow ran off to the army trucks. Rainbow now felt like he was running free just one thing that was holding him back, not being able to see Fluttershy a lot. Fluttershy watched and kept a smile on her face as she saw Rainbow running off.

"Was about time". Fluttershy said to herself with a smile, before getting into her car and driving home.

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