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Christmas Day was tomorrow so tonight was Christmas Eve. It was 9pm and Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity and Pinkie and Twilight were coming to Pinkie's house for a small Christmas Eve get together. Pinkie's parents weren't here because they were out of the country for a Christmas vacation. Rarity and Applejack both still kept their relationship but Pinkie and Twilight were still both the single ladies. Rainbow parked his jeep on the street in front of Pinkie's house and saw Applejack's car in Pinkie's driveway. It was snowing tonight too.
"Looks like Applejack and Rarity are already here." Rainbow said, getting out of the jeep.
"I hope we didn't keep them waiting." Fluttershy said, getting out of Rainbow's jeep too.
"It's fine, were only a few minutes late." Rainbow said as he held Fluttershy's hand walking towards the door. They both walked up the snowy concrete stairs to the front of Pinkie's door and knocked on it. About a few seconds later the door opened, revealing Pinkie Pie with a smile on her face.
"Hey guys!" Pinkie said, allowing them both in.
"Hi Pinkie!" Fluttershy said, hugging Pinkie since they haven't seen each other in a while. Applejack, Rarity and Twilight then came up to Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rainbow and Applejack did their 'bro' handshake while both saying "what's up?".
Rainbow took off his jacket and shoes then helped Fluttershy take off her jacket. Even though it's only been a few months since graduation, Pinkie's house really changed into a more nicer, modern looking one. They all went to the living room to talk. All of them haven't seen each other since graduation due to them being busy with work and going to college, they have their winter break right now. There was a nice white comfy couch which Fluttershy and Rainbow sat on, then 3 white leather patted chairs that Applejack and Rarity shared one by Rarity sitting on Applejack's lap and Pinkie and Twilight sitting in separate chairs. For about 2 hours, they all just talked and laughed, sharing stories, their relationships.
"So how are you in the army?" Rarity asked.
"Still as strong as I'll ever be." Rainbow said, dodging the thoughts of what happened with Thunderlane.
"That's great." Rarity said.
"How about you and Applejack. You guys go to 2 different colleges and your still in touch? Impressive." Rainbow said. Rarity interlocked her hand into Applejack's.
"It's been hard at some times but it all works out in the end." Rarity said, smiling as Applejack smiled back. They all talked for a about half an hour until it was almost Christmas Day.
"Lets have a few Christmas drinks." Pinkie said, standing up and walking over to her knew renovated kitchen that looked amazing. She opened her alcohol cabinet to pick up a bottle of alcohol. The rest of her friends walked over to the counter top and received a shot glass from Pinkie. When Fluttershy received her shot glass, she looked up to Pinkie.
"Just one Fluttershy." Pinkie said as Fluttershy agreed to take it. Pinkie then poured the alcohol into each shot glass and put the bottle aside, holding up her shot glass along with her friends. Rainbow had his hand around Fluttershy'a waist.
"Merry Christmas." Pinkie said as each of them took the quick shot, shaking their heads a bit from the shot.
"Woo, it's been a while since I've had a shot." Rainbow said, putting his shot glass down.
"Haha but don't go getting used to having to many." Rarity said, putting her shot glass down too as she was chuckling. Rainbow rolled his eyes playfully.
"Oh hey, I know it isn't New Years Eve but I think you guys should look up." Pinkie said to Rainbow and Fluttershy. They both looked up to see a small mistletoe on the ceiling right above them. Pinkie and Twilight smirked towards them.
"Heh, really?" Rainbow said, chuckling.
"Yup, come on and do it." Pinkie said as Rainbow and Fluttershy looked to each other. They loved kissing each other but in front of their friends was nerve wracking. So they decided to do a short little peck on the lips and look back towards their friends.
"Seriously? That's all?" Pinkie said as Rainbow and Fluttershy both laughed in embarrassment.
"Showing public affection is something I don't agree with sometimes." Fluttershy said.
"Okay then." Pinkie said, walking back to the couch with Applejack and Rarity. Rainbow turned to Fluttershy.
"So you don't like showing public affection?" Rainbow asked, grinning.
"Sometimes I'll agree to it but I'm not comfortable to doing that." Fluttershy said.
"It's okay." Rainbow said as they both walked to the couch.


Their little Christmas get together ended as they all went home. Rainbow parked his jeep in front of Fluttershy's house. It was almost 2:30am. They got out of the car as Rainbow walked Fluttershy to her front porch, then they both stopped at her front door.
"Thanks for driving me home." Fluttershy said.
"No problem." Rainbow said.
"So, when are you going back to the army base?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow looked to the floor and sighed, moving his foot on the floor slightly.
"Tomorrow." Rainbow said, looking back up at Fluttershy.
"Oh." Fluttershy said, looking to the floor.
"I'm glad I got to see you this Christmas." Rainbow said, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket from the cold.
"Me too." Fluttershy answered back, looking up at Rainbow again. It was silent for a while until Rainbow spoke up.
"I won't be seeing you for a while after this." Rainbow said, catching Fluttershy's attention.
"What?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow sighed again.
"I, after this Christmas, I won't be coming back anytime soon." Rainbow said.
"How long?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow paused for a moment. He didn't want to tell Fluttershy but he needed too.
"7 years." Rainbow said. Fluttershy widened her eyes.
"7 years?!" Fluttershy said loudly. Rainbow nodded slowly.
"Why?" Fluttershy asked.
"Well, since I'm done with high school, they said I have to stay there longer now." Rainbow said. Fluttershy began to tear up.
"How is this gonna work if your gonna be gone for 7 years?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow saw her beginning to cry and began to feel guilt.

I shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with her if I knew this was gonna happen. Geez Rainbow why do you have to be so stupid. It's gonna hurt her and me when I'm gone. And our relationship would never work if I keep her waiting for 7 years. I can't allow her to suffer like that. This idea is gonna be brutal but it needs to happen, it's because I love her too much.

"We need to break up." Rainbow said. Fluttershy widened her eyes even more than the last time. She also began to cry more.
"What?! First you tell me your leaving now your breaking up with me?!" Fluttershy said, anger boiling in her.
"Fluttershy I'm doing it because I love you, our relationship will never work if I'm gone for 7 years, I cannot let you suffer like that, and I can't keep you waiting all these years." Rainbow said. Fluttershy didn't say anything.
"Fluttershy please, this is for the best, and I'm doing it because I love you to much to have you wait and suffer." Rainbow said. Fluttershy didn't say anything. She just had her arms crossed while she was crying silently. Rainbow moved in closer to hug Fluttershy, which he did. But Rainbow was the only one doing the hugging, Fluttershy still had her hands crossed. But after a while, having Rainbow's arms around Fluttershy, Fluttershy hugged Rainbow back, crying even more. They stood there, hugging for a while.
"I'm sorry Fluttershy." Rainbow said. Fluttershy then broke the hug.
"It's not your fault." Fluttershy said, wiping her tears. She wasn't even looking at Rainbow. Rainbow just looked at Fluttershy, guilt mentally punching him.
"Can, can I at least kiss you one more time?" Rainbow said, his voice quivering. Fluttershy looked up at his hopeful eyes. She didn't want him to go, not for this long. But it wasn't her orders to call it out. She sighed.
"One more time." Fluttershy said as she leaned in closer to Rainbow. Expecting a nice kiss turning into just a small peck on this lips. Fluttershy couldn't do it, she was emotionally confused with anger, sadness, disappointment, etc. She leaned back and walked towards her door. Rainbow sighed and looked down, then back up to see Fluttershy about to go into her house, when she opened the front glass door she looked back at Rainbow to see him looking down and disappointed, was this the way she wanted to say goodbye to Rainbow? No. She wanted to say a proper goodbye, she didn't want to leave Rainbow with only a small peck on the lips, she wanted to kiss-kiss him. Fluttershy walked back confidently to Rainbow. He looked up towards Fluttershy as he saw her walking back. Right before Rainbow could say anything, Fluttershy pressed her lips onto Rainbow's. Giving a proper kiss and goodbye. Although this was their last kiss until a long, long while, they put the emotion of happiness, anger, sadness, laughter, disappointment, and loyalty into this kiss. Rainbow put his hands on Fluttershy's cold cheeks from the coldness of the winter and kept kissing. After a long kiss, they parted.
"Goodbye Rainbow." Fluttershy said.
"Goodbye Fluttershy." Rainbow said. They both stared and stayed in their living embrace for about a few more seconds until Fluttershy stood up, walking into her house. When the door shut, Rainbow waited on her porch for a minute, sighing and looking down, until he turned around and walked into his car.

When Fluttershy closed the door, she sighed, putting her cold hands to her face as she slid her back down the door into a crunched down position as she cried. She cried and cried and cried by the door.

He's gone...

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