Chapter 19

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Rainbow woke up to his phone ringing on Fluttershy's nightstand beside her bed he was laying in. He sat up a bit and looked to his phone that was ringing then the place Fluttershy was laying before, but she wasn't there. He looked around and saw the bathroom door closed and figured out she was in there. He grabbed his phone and answered it.
"Hey uh Rainbow, you left your shield with me last night, do you want me to drop it off at your house now?"
"Oh shit yeah I forgot about that, um, y-yeah bring it to my house now"
"Alright, bye."
Rainbow disconnected the phone call. He didn't want to get up from pure laziness but he had to. He forced himself up and realized he was still in his uniform. The sound of the bathroom door unlocking was heard as Fluttershy came out of the washroom after doing her morning routine.
"Oh, morning Rainbow." Fluttershy.
"Morning." Rainbow said, grabbing his black shirt that was on the floor, he usually wore it under the uniform. He then started to put on the shirt.
"Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked.
"My friend is dropping off my shield that I left with him last night at my house." Rainbow said.
"Oh, okay." Fluttershy said.
"Is it okay if I swing by after?" Rainbow asked.
"Of course!" Fluttershy said.
"Great, ill see you soon then." Rainbow said as Fluttershy nodded then Rainbow left.

~~~ 10 days later ~~~
After spending a few days with Rainbow, she and him started to get back into a relationship, hopefully one that will last long. Today, Fluttershy was now coming home from another day of being a model. There was a lot of traffic on the bridge that Fluttershy had to drive across to get to work as it was getting darker outside. It was also raining too which sucked.
For Rainbow, he was called by one of his soldiers to have an important meeting at a nearby office. Since it was very sudden, it had to be a emergency. Rainbow put on his uniform and got to the office. When he walked in, he saw a few of the army group leaders with the General, now plus Rainbow Dash.
"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked.
"Captain Dash, we've received an anonymous threat from what we think is the Red Skull group." A soldier said. Red Skull group was a bad group that terrorized many towns and countries and they've always wanted revenge on Rainbow for saving the world that day when he crashed that plane. Red Skull group was the people behind that.
"What was the threat?" Rainbow asked.
"We suppose it was targeted towards you, or your girlfriend." The General said, handing Rainbow Dash a device with a online typed letter from an anonymous person. Rainbow took the device quickly and read what was on there. It read:

'Better keep an eye of your loved ones tonight Dash'

Rainbow read it over and over again to try and get the like riddle but thought about who he loved most of all, Fluttershy. She was in danger. Rainbow forcefully tossed the device on the table.
"Did this come in today?" Rainbow asked as the General nodded. Rainbow then walked out of the room.
"We'll send a few soldiers with you." The General said as some soldiers went with Rainbow.
"If he fucking touches her, oh, he'll be dead." Rainbow said to himself walking out of the building into the rain. Rainbow got into his new all black Audi RS8 and started driving. He pulled out his phone and called Fluttershy.
"Yes, Rainbow"
"Where are you?"
"I'm stuck in traffic on Kingston Bridge, why?"
"Fluttershy, if you see black cars with red circles on them, call me please"
"Um, okay"
"Okay bye"
Fluttershy was left confused about what Rainbow said but didn't get too anxious. As she was slowly driving through the traffic, she felt the back of her car get hit by the car behind her.
"Oh my...did this person really just hit my car?!" Fluttershy said to herself as she opened her car door and went outside, her and every other car were' going anywhere so might as well. She saw that the cars behind the car that just hit Fluttershy's car were smashed, then Fluttershy looked at the car that hit Fluttershy's, it was all black with a red circle and a skull in it on the door. Thinking about what Rainbow said, she pulled out her phone quickly and dialled Rainbow's number.

      Rainbow answered it, but when he did, the line was cut off. When that happened, he drove faster towards the bridge.


The Red Skull Group caught Fluttershy when she was calling Rainbow and had two of their men have an eye on her right by the edge of the bridge. There was at least 5 people that were apart of the Red Skull Group that were there. The rest of the cars on the bridge were gone since traffic went faster after a while.

"Just wait, be ready when he comes." The leader of Red Skull said to the soldiers watching Fluttershy.


Rainbow finally got to the bridge and saw that there were no cars on the bridge so he could use the horsepower in his sports car to get to Fluttershy faster, plus there were 2 army cars behind him with the soldiers that were gonna help him. All Rainbow saw on the bridge was complete darkness and rain for about 2 minutes until he saw 2 black and red cars, also Fluttershy's. When he saw the cars in the distance, he speed up to get there faster a d when he got there, he drifted into a parking position in front of where the bad soldiers were watching Fluttershy.
"Get ready." The leader of Red Skull said to the bad soldiers.
Rainbow got out of his car, he was overall very angry at this situation. He hated having Fluttershy being brought into his army work, and he certainly didn't want her to get hurt at all. When Rainbow stood in front of the bad soldiers, a few had their guns points to Rainbow.
"So I see you came." The leader said.
"Don't fucking hurt her!" Rainbow yelled, taking one step.
"Take one more step and your head will be blown off." The leader said. Rainbow stopped for a quick second.
"Why are you doing this?!" Rainbow said.
"Since you are alive still, I cannot have that happen, and my revenge on you isn't over." The leader said.
"This is between you and me, don't bring anyone else into this." Rainbow said coldly.
"Clearly this woman is very special to you so I had an idea to have good revenge on you, now soldiers!" The leader said right before the soldiers watching Fluttershy threw her off the bridge into the huge body of water under the bridge. Rainbow knew Fluttershy couldn't swim so she could possibly die. He ran over to the edge of the bridge and saw Fluttershy land in the water.
"Fluttershy!" Rainbow yelled. Rainbow quickly turned back and pulled a gun on the soldiers and shot them, using his shield to protect himself.
      A few of the good army soldiers came in and helped Rainbow. But Rainbow wanted to get rid of the leader himself, so he shot the leader in the head, making him die.
"Make sure every one of these guys are dead!" Rainbow said, climbing on the edge of the concrete wall by the bridge.
"Captain where are you going!?" A soldier yelled.
"Get me a light and a water mask now!" Rainbow demanded as a soldier went to get one from their army car. A few second after a soldier threw a flashlight and a water mask to Rainbow.
"I need to save someone." Rainbow said, jumping off the bridge and putting on the mask. As he was falling down, he didn't see Fluttershy anywhere in the water. Usually he would expect her to be floating but no, now he was scared.
         He pencil dived into the water and looked around. He couldn't see anything due to it being dark outside plus the rain. He turned on the flashlight and swam underwater.
       For about 2 minutes, he couldn't find Fluttershy. He went up to the surface to get more air then dived back down. Soon after, he found her in the water as he scooped her up and brought her to the surface.
"Fluttershy?!" Rainbow yelled to her, holding her in a bridal way in the water. She didn't answer, her eyes were closed. Rainbow needed to bring her to the surface fast. He looked around and saw land by the end of the bridge which wasn't far. Rainbow quickly swam holding Fluttershy to the land.

       When he got there, he laid Fluttershy onto the rocky floor shore and held her back up. He put his hand to her neck to check her pulse. She was still alive but her heart rate was really slow. There was water in her lungs preventing her from waking up. After about a minute, Rainbow needed to do a mouth-to-mouth CPR  operation in order to save Fluttershy from death. But before he did that, Fluttershy opened her eyes and coughed up the water that was in her lungs. When she was done coughing, she was panting.
"Fluttershy?!" Rainbow said.
"Rainbow?" Fluttershy said.
"Oh my god, I thought you...I thought you died." Rainbow said, holding her and she held onto Rainbow.
"Who were those people?" Fluttershy asked.
"J-Just bad people, I got rid of them though, once and for all." Rainbow said. Fluttershy's panting now started to be at a normal breathing rate.
"Thank God I save you." Rainbow said, staring into Fluttershy's eyes. Fluttershy's eyes began to water.
"T-Thank you." Fluttershy said, hugging him as he put his arms around her even more.

A/N: sorry it ended if a bit quick, btw, the story will be ending soon.

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