She's Kidnapped

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Rainbow woke up. He was on the floor in front of the door in Fluttershy's house. He sat up, a wave of pain hitting his head. He didn't remember anything after he answered the door last night to that random person. He had a huge headache. He rubbed his head with his hand and grunted. When he put his hand down there was blood on it. He narrowed his eyebrows in wonder and felt his head again. He then stood up and speed walked to the washroom. He stood in front of the mirror. He was still wearing the same clothing from last night. He saw that there was a small cut on his head. He ignored it, he was used to that. He took a few steps back from the mirror to get a full upper body view and saw that the was something sticking out of his left arm. He looked at it, it was a dart. He pulled it out and saw very little green fluid in it, most of the green fluid must of injected into Rainbow. Rainbow then looked around, he needed to find Fluttershy. He stormed out of the washroom and went to the living room. He saw the couch only. Rainbow raised his eyebrow and we to check upstairs. She wasn't there either. He searched the rest of the house but Fluttershy wasn't there. Rainbow decided to call Fluttershy. He dialled her number into his iPhone and held it up to his ear. He heard the first beep, then the second, then the third, then Fluttershy's voicemail. He called her again, the beeping still went on. But he also heard another sound from the kitchen. He walked to the kitchen, and heard a buzzing sound coming from Fluttershy's purse. Rainbow put his hand into the purse and felt a solid figure vibrating. He pulled it out and saw Rainbow's number on the screen of the phone. It was Fluttershy's iPhone. Rainbow was starting to get worried. Fluttershy always brought her iPhone with her everywhere for important business calls and etc. Rainbow began to look around again. Still no luck. He looked into the drive way and saw that Fluttershy's car was in the driveway, so she didn't go anywhere, plus it was raining outside, it was supposed to be raining for the next few days. Rainbow then stood at the door, looking to the floor, thinking.

Where is she? And how come I don't remember anything after I answered the door to that person? Wait, who was that person? It's was too dark to see him but it was defiantly a guy. He was also shorter than me, and fatter. Maybe I had a little to much to drink last night at the wedding and Fluttershy probably had to leave for a business thing. But why would she leave her phone here? She would most likely take it, and her purse? No no no, something is wrong. I'll go check with my friends.

Rainbow then pulled out his iPhone again and called each of his 'main' friends. First he failed Applejack's number.

AJ: Hello?
RD: Applejack
AJ: What's up
RD: Have you seen Fluttershy, is she at your place?
AJ: uh no, why would you thinks she'd be here?
RD: Well I.. you know what, just come to my house now.
AJ: uh okay, be there in 5 minutes
RD: See you there bye.
AJ: Bye

Then Rainbow pressed the 'end call' button and grabbed his jacket and opened the front door. But as he was grabbing his jacket, he noticed Fluttershy's jacket was still there too. Rainbow looked to the floor, a little worried at where Fluttershy could be. He grabbed his car keys and left Fluttershy's house and started driving to his house.


When Rainbow arrived to his house, Applejack's car was already in the drive way, Applejack was waiting on the porch. When he noticed Rainbow pull up, he looked back and raised his eyebrow and Rainbow was coming out of the car, walking fast towards his house with a serious but nervous face. Rainbow walked up the concrete steps and was unlocking the door.
"Oh I thought you were inside?" Applejack said. Rainbow was still opening the door.
"What's wrong bro?" Applejack said, Rainbow finally opened the door and walked in.
"Come inside." Rainbow said as Applejack did so. They both went to Rainbow's basement to where there was a lot of army stuff, even his extra blue, red and white uniform with his shield. He always brings his sheiks everywhere since it is the strongest metal on earth, its physically impossible to break, even scratch. There was a big wooden table in the middle of the basement, like a room where army soldiers go right before they fight.
"Rainbow, your freakin' me out, what's wrong?" Applejack asked. Rainbow didn't answer.
"Yo, your head is bleeding too, what happened to you?" Applejack asked again. Rainbow didn't answer again. Rainbow was opening a locker combination to a tall steel box, when it opened, it revealed some sort of machine.
"What the fuck is that?" Applejack asked. Rainbow pulled out the dart that he found in his arm this morning and took the cap part off so that the little amount of green fluid could come out. Rainbow poured the small amount of green fluid into a small circular plastic container and put it in that machine.
"What are you a scientist now?" Applejack said.
"No." Rainbow said.
"what is that?" Applejack asked. Rainbow went to the computer beside the machine as a word came up on it. When Rainbow read it, he put his hands behind his head in frustration and looked to the floor.
"What?" Applejack said as he walked over to the computer.
"Thiopental? Why did you test that? Wait how do you even have that?" Applejack said.
"I didn't have it." Rainbow said.
"What?" Applejack said in confusion.
"Can you call the rest of our friends to come over please." Rainbow asked. Applejack pulled out his phone.
"Okay?" Applejack said.

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