The Party

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There was a big party being hosted at Pinkie's house for graduation and pretty much  everyone who graduated was going to the party. As Fluttershy and Rainbow were heading  to Pinkie's house, Rainbow decided to drive Fluttershy somewhere first before they started partying. It was now dark outside as Rainbow parked in front of a fence. Fluttershy smiled as soon as she knew where she was. She got out of the car with Rainbow and Fluttershy leaned on the fence as Rainbow stood beside her. A few meters beyond the fence was a cliff to where a nice big lake was, with a waterfall. The sound of the water was only heard along with the rustling of leaves. Fluttershy looked up to the moonlight smiling as Rainbow blushed at how beautiful she looked right now.
"Remember this place?" Rainbow asked, smirking. Fluttershy blushed and smiled as she looked down then back up.
"Heh, how could I forget." Fluttershy smiled.
"The place where we first met back in grade 8, in this exact spot right here." Fluttershy finished.
"Yeah." Rainbow said
"...I remember you in your oversized black shorts with your white shirt and brown sweater with your almost shoulder length hair, back when you were the...before you." Fluttershy said. Rainbow looked to the ground and remembered how he used to look like, hating what he used to looked like.
"..I looked so bad, and all I had was oversized clothing, that's how small I was" Rainbow began, chuckling a bit. "Thank god for that injection" Rainbow finished, looking down.
It was silent for a while.
"..I don't get it" Rainbow said, looking at Fluttershy. Fluttershy then looked at Rainbow too.
"Don't get what?" Fluttershy asked.
"..I don't get that, well, why were you friends with me at first?, like I was weird" Rainbow said. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.
"Well, at first I honestly didn't know why, I just rolled with it, but by sophomore year, I just...I felt something from you" Fluttershy said
"Felt what?" Rainbow asked.
"...I felt like i was liking you, more than a friend, like a connection" Fluttershy said.
"But, I looked so small and weird and ugly, I honestly don't understand." Rainbow said.
"Rainbow, it's what I saw in you, you were so kind and sweet but yet brave and fearless and I loved you for that but when you came back that day when the attack at the school happened, I saw you in a different body" Fluttershy said.
"A waaayyy better body" Rainbow chuckled. Fluttershy  chuckled with him.
"Rainbow, I love you in anyway" Fluttershy said, cupping her hands on Rainbow's cheeks.
"I love you too Fluttershy" Rainbow said, kissing her. When their kissed ended, they started walking back to the car.
"Lets starting heading to Pinkie's house" Rainbow said, getting into the car with Fluttershy. Then they drove to Pinkie's house.


Rainbow parked outside of Pinkie's house, there were quite a few cars there so there might have been a lot of people already inside. Rainbow and Fluttershy exited Rainbow's car and walked inside, holding hands. When they got inside, there was loud music playing and a lot of people in the house. Rainbow lead the way as he held Fluttershy's hand still. Then they saw Applejack and Rarity, Applejack was holding Rarity's waist. Rainbow and Fluttershy both looked at each other in confusion.
"Are they?...". Fluttershy started
"Together?" Rainbow finished. Then they both walked over to them.
"Hey guys". Rainbow said, now holding Fluttershy's waist.
"Hey". Applejack said. Rarity then whispered in Applejack's ear about something, then Applejack laughed with Rarity. Clearly something was happening between the two. Rainbow then looked over to Fluttershy.
"One sec...". Rainbow said before letting go of Fluttershy and walking closer to Applejack.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?". Rainbow said to Applejack. He nodded and let go of Rarity then walked over to someplace quieter.
"What's up?". Applejack asked
"Are you and Rarity together?". Rainbow asked. Applejack widened his eyes for a second and hesitated.
"...uh". Applejack said.
"If you want me to, I won't tell anyone". Rainbow said
"Fine, we kinda got together yesterday." Applejack said.
"Who knows?" Rainbow asked.
"Pinkie and Twilight too, you could tell Fluttershy but no one else, we just wanna keep it low until the right time.". Applejack said, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants of his black suit.
"Alright.". Rainbow said, then they did their 'bro' handshake and walked back to Fluttershy and Rarity.
"Wanna get some drinks?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy. She nodded. They both walked to the table where the drinks were and that's where they saw Pinkie and Twilight. As soon as Pinkie saw Rainbow and Fluttershy holding hands and walking towards them, she squealed.
"Oohhh! My favourite couple" Pinkie said, making Rainbow and Flutter laugh a bit.
"Nice to see you too Pinkie" Fluttershy said, chuckling.
"How you guys doing?" Pinkie said
"Oh we're fine." Fluttershy said as Rainbow grabbed a simple beer.
"You want a cap opener?" Pinkie asked Rainbow. Rainbow shook his head.
"It's okay, I could do it with my hands" Rainbow said as he popped the cap of his beer with his finger, takes a lot of strength to do that.
"What are you gonna drink Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.
"Um...I think I'll just stick with water tonight." Fluttershy said, grabbing a water bottle.
"Come on its graduation!, have a bit of alcohol" Pinkie said.
"I don't drink like that." Fluttershy said
"Oh alright" Pinkie said.
They hung out at the party for about 3 hours more until Fluttershy wanted to go outside for some fresh air. No one was outside on Pinkie's porch so it was just Fluttershy alone. She enjoyed the peace and quiet of nature, it was relaxing and calming. Rainbow was still inside because he ended up playing basketball games with his friends in the driveway since there was a basketball hoop on top of the garage. After a few minutes of standing there, she heard the front door open. Fluttershy turned her head and saw Discord at the door. Discord was a weird guy that was in love with Fluttershy but Fluttershy never liked him. But right now, he looked a little drunk. He was walking over to Fluttershy.
"..hey F-Fluttershy.". Discord said, getting really close to Fluttershy. He had a half full beer bottle in his hand and was walking a little woosey.
"Oh um hey Discord.". Fluttershy said, taking a step back from him getting close to Fluttershy's face.
".you know, look p-pretty tonight." Discord said, walking even more close to Fluttershy.
"Um, thanks?" Fluttershy walking back faster as Discord was still walking closer.
"Really hot too.". Discord said walking more closer until he stopped. He stopped because Fluttershy stopped from the end of the porch. She couldn't walk back any more further. But Discord was still moving his head closer to Fluttershy.
"Discord, do you um mind if you step back a bit.". Fluttershy asked, Discord was centimetres away from Fluttershy's face.
"What? You don't like me this close.". Discord said in a seductive way as he moved his head closer. Fluttershy couldn't move her head back anymore. But right before Discord would 'kiss' Fluttershy, he was pulled by the back of the collar of his suit. He was pulled so hard that he fell onto the floor. Fluttershy breathed out in relief and saw who pulled Discord away. It was Rainbow. He had an angry face towards Discord whom had now stood up.
"Oh no.". Fluttershy said under her breath.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Rainbow said to Discord.
"N-Nothing.". Discord said hesitantly.
"Don't fucking lie to me, you were trying to fucking kiss my girlfriend.". Rainbow said, getting up in Discord's face.
"I only insisted on doing it 'cause-.".Discord was cut off by Rainbow straight up punching him in his face, making him fall back.
"Rainbow!". Fluttershy said, Rainbow turned back to Fluttershy and walked towards her.
"Did he try to kiss you?". Rainbow asked. Fluttershy hesitated for a second, she didn't want anyone to get hurt but at the same time, she didn't want to lie to Rainbow so she decided to tell the truth. Fluttershy nodded. Rainbow then grunted and walked towards Discord. He was now standing up with a bloody nose.
"..-the fuck was that for?!". Discord yelled
"If you ever fucking touch her or do anything like that again, you'll be seriously hurt next time.". Rainbow said, pushing him inside then closing the door, leaving himself and Fluttershy alone. Fluttershy didn't know what to say, she just wanted to wait until Rainbow...calmed down a bit. Rainbow sighed and walked over to Fluttershy. He looked a bit guilty but at the same time, he did the right thing. Rainbow leaned on the wall on the left of Fluttershy and looked down towards his feet. They both stood there in silence for a bit.
"S-Sorry.". Rainbow said, still looking to the ground
"For what?". Fluttershy asked.
"For....for what just happened.". Rainbow said. Fluttershy put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay Rainbow, you saved me from him kissing me, would you rather see him kissing me or prevent that from happening?". Fluttershy said. Rainbow then looked up to Fluttershy.
", thank god I pulled him away, or else I would have caught him kissing you and...get the wrong idea.". Rainbow said
"Rainbow, I would never do that to you, never in a million years cheat on you.". Fluttershy said, Rainbow grinned and hugged Fluttershy.
"Same here" Rainbow said then he broke the hug.
"What do you want to do now?". Fluttershy asked.
"Ummm......let's go inside and hang out with some friends.". Rainbow said. Fluttershy nodded and they both went inside.

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