(BSM) Who('s) Are You? - PJ AU - ?

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It's a BSM but I'm not going to tell you who your brother is, that would ruin the surprise! I let Kay pick who even though she didn't know what was going on lol

"Can anyone tell me what this says?" Your mythology teacher tapped the board with a yardstick.

Your classmates all mumbled and frowned at each other as they looked at the message written out. You were pretty sure that they were playing and April Fool's Day joke on you, because you were supposed to be the dyslexic kid yet you read the message on the board in perfect English. It said, "this is written in Greek," which you thought was rather strange considering it was most definitely not written in Greek.

"Y/N?" She suddenly directed all of the attention to you.

You were completely unprepared for all of the eyes of the class to turn to you, along with the hanging expectation for you to provide some kind of answer. You gulped and looked at the faces of the other kids and saw that they were mostly looking at you with sympathy and confusion. It seemed that they couldn't read the board.

You didn't know what to say so you just shrugged, "it's all Greek to me."

Your class erupted into giggles and they looked away. Rather satisfied in the knowledge that your class didn't laugh at you but rather with you, you glanced back up at the teacher.

She had an eyebrow raised, "funny you say that, because this was written in Greek."

"What a coincidence," you shrugged.

Your teacher didn't look all that convinced but she moved on anyway. You hoped that she had let it go, but that just wasn't the case.  She only temporarily put the issue off until class ended.

"Y/N can you come here for a moment?" She asked as you packed up.

"Yes Ma'am," you nervously shuffled over. You couldn't help but think you had done something wrong even though nothing came to mind.

"Y/N, this may sound strange, but I want to give you this," she handed you a folded up letter, "if you ever need to go somewhere safe, open the note."

"Uhhhhh, okay," you said awkwardly taking the letter.

After you left the room that day, you never saw that teacher again. She just disappeared and no one else seemed to question it.

A few weeks later when your foster family started to go through your things and treat you less than nicely, you decided to open the letter.

Inside was just a name, Camp Half-Blood and an address in Long Island.

You took a nice bus trip as far as you could, and then walked the rest of the way.


When you finally made it to "Delphi Strawberry Service" as the locals called it, you had to climb a hill before you realized that you were most definitely not at a strawberry farm.

"Whoa," you held in your awe as you looked down into a valley of sorts.

"Hello," a deep male voice sounded from directly below you.

You looked down and saw and older man, well, half of an older man.

Your jaw dropped and you couldn't help but stare. It was the first time you had ever seen someone with the lower half of a horse.

You were fully ready to turn around and go back the way you came when he spoke again, "Y/N, we've been expecting you."

You froze and shook your head, trying to shake yourself out of your weirdest dream to date.

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