(BGM) Bleeding Hearts pt3 - Vampire AU - Ashton

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Paranormal!5sos is happening! Here's the schedule:
1) Ashton: Vampire!5sos - Bleeding Hearts

2) Calum: Death!Calum - Misery Loves Company

3) Luke: Werewolf!5sos - One Moon

4) Michael: Demon!Michael - Possess(ion)
(I feel like one other boy will be a demon too and the others will be angels)

- previously -

Luke felt the Wiccan leave just before Michael jerked awake out of pain.

"AHHH!" Michael was screaming and writhing in agony on the floor.

"Hold still," Luke let out a breath of relief as he quickly filled the hole of Michael's aura. Luckily for him, vampire auras were the easiest for him to fix and Michael was fine in no time.

Luke thought that it was a success, until Ashton let out a broken cry. In a flash Calum, Luke, and even a weakened Michael were standing in front of their King.

Ashton was still on the ground. Sitting on his knees and breathing hard.

"My King?" Luke asked, looking for any signs of trauma on Ashton or his aura but finding none. But when he saw Ashton's gold aura and nothing else something clicked. Ashton was alone.

"She's gone."


"She's gone? Where?" Calum foolishly looked around, like the Queen had wandered off somehow.

"I don't know," Ashton's voice dropped to a low growl, showing his annoyance.

"How could the Wiccan just disappear like that?" Luke breathed deeply and shook his head, "there's something going on."

Poor Michael was just confused. One minute he was walking next to Ashton, the next he was having his aura torn apart by Luke. And now, the Queen was gone and it was arguably at least partially his fault.

"Who told you to come here?" Calum asked, dropping his voice low as he looked around the now trashed commune. Some women peeked around the corners, staring at the mess and twittering to each other about what had happened.

Ashton straightened unexpectedly. His mouth was twisted down in a frown and he looked beyond livid, "Keres."

"Why would Keres help Soleil though? They hate each other," Michael looked unsure.

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