(BGM) Blood Moon - Werewolf AU - pt2

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So tw Y/N goes on a hunger strike and talks about basically starving so that's a little dark

Michael did not bother you for the rest of the ride home. At least not physically. You kept your eyes glued to the window, melancholically watching as the forest of Harper's Oak Woods pack slowly melted into unrecognizable trees and rocks. You were passing through neutral territory, or as humans liked to call it, roads. You were in the area between packs that none claimed so that one could safely travel between borders, and the territory of rogue wolfs. You were technically a rogue, and it was all his fault. Unlike the average packless wolf, Alphas allowed you to find shelter in their borders for periods of time to keep you out of Michael's clutches. In your years living as a shadow, you'd only encountered other rogues a handful of times. Inherently, you kept to yourselves, so meetings were usually brief and informing you that you were on unofficially claimed land and to keep moving. You always heeded their warnings and moved away as fast as possible because you didn't want to fight nor did you want the other rogue to tip Michael off about your position. The lifestyle wasn't ideal, but it worked for you. It was hollow, you had to steer clear of your home pack and never contacted your family. You had nobody. Occasionally brief moments of kindness brightened your day, like spending time with Harper, but they were only pinpricks of light in a world of darkness.

He had taken everything away from you but your freedom. Now your final shred of hope was gone. If Michael was trying to break your spirit he was doing a good job.

You never tried to dwell on these things, but you usually had better distractions like shifting or hunting or anything. In cars, especially silent ones, you only had your thoughts to keep yourself occupied.

You checked the time and saw it would still be hours until you arrived at Blood Moon, it was the furthest north pack, and Oak Woods was closer to the south. Blood Moon was a frozen wasteland most of the year. Barren and freezing, it was completely inhospitable to the sane. It was also cut off from everyone else a majority of the time due to heavy snows blocking the roads in the neutral territory. Over the years the isolation caused Blood Moon to spilt off from its counterparts. It was unique and bloodthirsty. It's warriors were known for being ruthless and it's Alphas were merciless. In terms of the actual cultures and traditions within pack borders, little was known. All that the other packs got to see of Blood Moon was how they fought, and it was a shocking thing to see. You'd know, you'd watched them before.

You couldn't help but fall into the memory of how you met Michael, your mate and enemy, for the first time.


"Y/N! I bet I can finish my laps before you!" Your best friend Calum grinned. Up to that point the two of you had been jogging together, making commentary about the other warriors-in-training and laughing as you completed your mandatory exercises.

A little competition was never unwelcome though, and Calum knew that. "Oh you're on!" You laughed and started sprinting.

It wasn't completely fair, Calum was taller than you so he had a wider stride. Your head start was quickly overtaken, and you had to push yourself to match Calum's speed. You had two and a half laps left and they were going to be difficult.

Sweat started to drip down your forehead and you had to take deeper breaths as you and Calum continually egged each other on, getting a little faster and forcing the other to match the new speed. There was one lap left.

You could feel some of your packmates watching to see who'd win. You and Calum were the prized young warriors of the pack, some day it was likely one or both of you would be named Head Warrior. They liked watching you complete, you were fairly sure there were bets placed on who'd win but it was only a hunch.

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