(BSM) First Day - High School AU - Michael

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(Yes I know I said I don't take requests for this book and I don't. This was a request for a different book that got moooooved over)

Lmao I can hear my dad listening to One Direction downstairs

Is it bad that all I feel like doing today is writing AUs? Speaking of which, do you want a Bleeding Hearts pt2 or a Maybe When You're Older pt2?

I WROTE THIS THINKING ABOUT THE BOYS LOOKING LIKE 2015ish which I understand is old but shhhhhhhhh y'all can imagine

You were lounging on the couch, just enjoying your last day of summer before school started for the year. It was a particularly stressing time for you as you were about to make the transition from middle school to high school, and you had heard some horror stories.

Michael must have noticed because he had his friends over to say goodbye to summer as well. Only they were excited for the upcoming year, they were going to be seniors and football season was starting as well. Calum had a good chance of being captain and Michael was the best goalie in the league. Essentially, you were feeling exactly the opposite of Michael.

Your brother must have noticed as he tried to help you out a little, "Okay Y/N, you're starting High School tomorrow, so we thought that we'd give you a few tips."

You nodded and sat up, you tucked your feet under yourself to make room for others on the couch. Luke easily sat down next to you with a sigh, laying his arm over the back of the couch behind your head. Ashton sat next to him, and Calum after him. Then you all looked up at Michael as there was no more room.

"This is my house," your brother frowned.

Luke grumbled and grabbed your waist. You yelped as he pulled you over onto his lap to make room for your whiney brother.

"I was here first?!" You spluttered as Michael sat down in your spot.

"Yeah and I was here last," Michael rolled his eyes, "it's called sharing baby sister."

"I'm not a baby," you harrumphed, feeling rather offended. Your reaction made all of the boys burst into laughter.

"Y-you're going to be a freshman!" Calum giggled, "freshman are babies."

"No they're not!" You protested adamantly, swatting Luke's hands away from you. You were too annoyed with him for him to touch you. Actually, you were too annoyed with him to be sitting on his lap. Stupid boy, calling you a baby and laughing at you!

You gracefully stood up, off of Luke and walked over to the plush chair.

"Awwwww," the blonde tried to sound apologetic but the grin on his face and amusement glittering in his blue eyes ruined his credibility. "Come back, we were just kidding." He patted one of his legs but you huffed and looked away. You couldn't be convinced that easily.

"We're just trying to help you Y/N, high school is a lot different from what you're used to," Ashton said gently, leaning back into the plush couch. You glanced back over at them and sighed. You were pretty worried, and they were well-respected seniors, it couldn't hurt to at least listen.

"Alright. What do I need to know?"


The next morning the boys words echoed through your head as you got ready.

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