BGM - Lion Heart pt3

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AUs are so relaxing to write

The prince walked in first. He was not what you had expected, taller and broader with longer hair. He entered your throne room and the chatting behind him stopped immediately. His clothes looked soft and luxurious, red velvet and leather from the tips of his black riding boots to his high collar.

He seemed to look at everything in the room before you, the hanging ribbons, the tapestries, your parents and brother. His eyes were a deep blue, and he didn't seem angry or contempt, simply thoughtful as he took in a place he'd never been before. Then he looked at you. You flushed when his eyes raked up your dress, taking in your figure and stopping near your collarbone where the edge of your mark was just barely visible. The ends of his pink lips twitched up.

He bowed, "King Ashton, Queen Y/M/N, I am pleased to make the acquaintance." His voice was smooth and deep, you enjoyed listening to it. He didn't speak like he was your enemy, like there were massive tariffs against your country or he was preparing for war. He spoke as if he was an old friend, like he'd seen this place many times before and was delighted at being invited back.

"Prince Luke," your mother curtseyed. You saw your father stiffly bow from the corner of your vision. Then came Michael, and finally you. You curtseyed lowly, his eyes were back on you as your head leaned down and you gathered your skirts.

"Princess Y/N," he addressed you next. You let out a breath and straightened up before looking down at him and giving him your full attention. "My dearest, would you mind if I came closer?"

Your flush deepened at the nickname, and you could see your father flinch. Luke seemed sincere though, and you had no reason to deny him his request. "Come as close as you please your highness," you spoke as evenly as you could. Luke was difficult for you to process, he had been spying on you, his father and your father were mortal enemies, yet he was hard for you to hate.

Luke crossed the room quickly and climbed up the stairs until he was on the one just below you. You noticed that despite the stair, he was still taller. He looked down at your mark more closely. One of his leather-clad hands moved to touch you, but stopped millimeters above your skin. "May I?" He lifted an eyebrow and looked down into your face.

You released a shuddery breath. He wanted to see your mark for himself, very well, it was not an unreasonable request. "You may."

His gloves inched your dress over, you remained still, looking over his shoulder at the party he had brought with them. About half a dozen knights, one of which looked to be his brother, Prince Jack. They were all swaying slightly, like their vision was hazy. There was also of course the herald, and the only sober people besides Luke, some maids. They were probably there to assist you. You shivered as the tips of his gloves traced over the vivid colors of your mark, taking in the lions and ribbons and roses that you were sure he knew well.

He let go of your dress, and then stepped back. "Very well, it seems that you will be coming back with me Princess."

Prince Luke held out his hand for you, ready to help you step down. You looked at him unsurely, then over to your mother who looked confused. "Prince Luke, you and your party may stay the night, you must be hungry and it is growing dark outside."

Prince Luke stiffened and gave you a meaningful look before looking over at your mother. Clearly he had a difficult decision to make, his guards were not in very good condition to ride back or to protect him if he stayed, and few things were more dangerous than staying in an enemy stronghold without personal protection. "Do your customs allow the betrothed to share chambers?" He asked instead.

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