(BGM/BSM/DDM) Lion Heart Royalty/Soulmate AU - pt1

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I was trying to work on Platonically Yours and it turned into this and this is nOT PLATONICALLY YOURS

Literally all of the boys are in it either as a father, brother, soulmate, or almost fiancé so I wasn't sure who's name to put in the title or to start with

"Princess, oh my! It's time to get up!" You heard your ladies in waiting flitting about your bedchambers, as you slowly began to rise to consciousness.

"We'll never get her ready in time!" One wailed as another threw open the curtains, allowing a harsh beam of light to settle directly over your face.

"Aughhhhh," you groaned and shielded your eyes as you sat up, "what's going on?"

"The Royal Procession from Drisea has arrived a day early! You must be in court within the hour Princess!" You finally awakened enough to distinguish voices, clearly recognizing that one as Martha, your most anxious Lady.

"Help me dress then, I'll be down there in a few minutes," you sighed as you stood up.

But that only elicited a gasp from her, "no! You must bathe. Prince Calum will be there and the Kings are expected to talk of uniting the houses."

Your eyes widened. Prince Calum was going to be there?

Your eyes automatically flicked down to your collarbone, exposed by your nightgown. Your mark wasn't there yet.

"I have faith that the goddess will bless you with the falcon soon Mistress, it's what's best for the kingdom," Sarah, one of your other girls, sent you a small smile while helping you out of bed.

"I hope so, I don't know what my father will do if she doesn't," you sighed.

Indeed, your kingdom needed the marriage alliance with Drisea which could only come with your marriage to Prince Calum. That of course couldn't happen unless the Love Goddess Eona blessed the match with a mark. Marks from the goddess appear when she deems them ready to marry, and show the house of the husband as a kind of tattoo on the skin. Usually they're on the collarbone, and married women proudly show them by wearing wide-necked dresses cut low to show the whole thing.

You remembered when you first asked your mother about her tattoo.


"Mommy?" You addressed your mother while sitting on her lap.

She looked up from the embroidery she was working on and then down at you, "yes my Princess?"

"What's that on your shoulder?" You pointed to the Irwin coat of arms imprinted on her skin, mostly enchanted by the stallions on either side and the vivid red and green color of it.

"That's your father's house's coat of arms. The goddess blessed me with it when I was sixteen, and my father married me to our King the next month," she hummed and brushed the hair out of your face, "one day when you're older you'll wake up and there will be one on your shoulder, and it'll be your turn to be married to your husband as the goddess pleases."


Sometimes though, the marks felt more like curses than blessings. Men treated the women bearing their marks as their property. If your father didn't immediately offer your hand to whomever your mark showed, a war could start as it was as if he was stealing you, his own flesh and blood.

All you could do was hope that you were matched to someone kind and would treat you well. Hopefully that man would be Prince Calum. You knew that's who your father wanted, mostly because your cold country needed to be able to trade out of warm water ports, something Drisea had an abundance of.

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