(BGM) Good Gone Bad - Super Villain AU - Calum

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I personally think that villains don't get enough appreciation 😉

People don't change sides. It just doesn't happen, good guys are good guys and bad guys are bad guys. Everyone in society liked the clear and well-defined categories they could shove people into. It made their lives easier, they loved the city's hero, and they hated its villain.

Or at least that's how things used to be. The city used to have a villain named Mike-ro-wave who wasn't particularly villainous, more of a lawbreaking nuisance. His nemesis was the golden boy, the knight in yellow and green spandex, Cal-Pal. Cal-Pal was the hero, the good guy that everyone rooted for, he stood in the front of parades and waved, got a key to the city, and was thoroughly beloved.

Until he changed.

Cal-Pal and Mike-ro-wave both went missing for a few weeks. It was a strange month for the citizens of Metropolis as they had never gone so long without some kind of good vs evil showdown. Where was their villain? And what happened to their hero? There was no more news of Mike-ro-wave trying to implant mind control devices into the pizza supply of the city, nor did Cal-Pal appear just in time to save a citizen from their cheesy fate.

So Metropolis waited, rather tensely, for their hero, and to a lesser extent villain, to return. Only things didn't turn out quite the way anyone expected. Mike-ro-wave never came back, and Cal-Pal returned a villain.

Everyone was shocked when their golden boy set a warehouse on fire in the shape of his new logo, a long black cobra coiled in the shape of a 'D'. Shortly after he hacked into the local news station to broadcast a message.

He has a new costume, a black skintight suit with deep purple accents. No longer was he a cheery yellow and green with cute goggles. Now he was dark, his eyes were covered by a classic black mask, and his long curls tumbled down to frame his sharp jawline. His words were simple, "Your hero is dead, I am Dark Shadow and I am not here to save you." They were effective too, everyone started to panic, how could they have a villain without a hero?

You on the other hand, wanted the story. You were an investigative journalist for the Metropolis Daily, you used to cover Cal-Pal, but now your assignment was Dark Shadow. You thought the name was redundant and not nearly as good as Cal-Pal was, but whatever.

So how does one find a villain? Well first their lair must be located.

"LUKE DID YOU GET THE MAP?" You screamed, tapping your foot in impatience. Luke Hemmings was the photographer in charge of Dark Shadow for the newspaper, so the two of you worked closely together.

"I GOT IT!" Luke came running in, pushing a giant whiteboard on wheels that had a map of the city overlaid on it's surface.

"Good," you rubbed your hands together and stepped forward, "now, if you were a super villain, where would you be?"

"Well we know that he isn't at his old lair by the police station," Luke took a big red marker and x-ed out a big square that contained all of the area around the main police precinct.

"Where has he been spotted recently?" You asked, Luke would know that as he obsessively looked for pictures of the allusive man. It was part of his job.

"Here, here, and here," Luke made three dots. One was the warehouse he burned down, another was a few blocks away at a known mob hideout, and the third was in the middle of an area known for illegal arms dealing.

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