(BGM) Bleeding Hearts pt2 - Vampire AU - Ashton

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(⬆️ Possible cover design ⬆️)

I realize now that this is my only non-blue cover.

Part 2/?

Sooooo since y'all like this one so much I'm thinking of launching a full Paranormal!5SOS series!!

Ashton - Vampire AU
Calum - Death/Grim Reaper AU
Luke - Werewolf AU
Michael - Demon AU 
(Or something like that lmao)

If y'all wanna see it let me know!

Btw the fanfiction version of this AU isn't necessarily going to be like this - I'm just trying some stuff out here

And without further ado, heeeeere's part two!

- Previously -

He slowly moved away, or more accurately around. Ashton rotated around her so he was behind her back instead of her front. This opened her up to viewing from the Lords. She had Y/C/E and pretty Y/C/H. She was small and frail looking, clutching the fabric of her white skirt. It was the uniform of this place. She was also shaking lightly, likely from shock.

Ashton didn't seem to like that at all but waited to introduce her before, "My faithful Lords, it is my pleasure to introduce you to your Queen, Y/N."

"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" The Lords replied.

With the formalities out of the way Ashton protectively tucked his mate into his side so she was less visible. Luke politely looked away, and then immediately realized that he hadn't yet secured the red auraed woman. But when he turned around she was gone.

Ashton wasn't going to be happy.


"Luke, did you find the girl yet?" Ashton asked, snapping back to the mission at hand.

Lord Hemmings winced and looked back at the empty corner that once held the blazing red aura, "I did my King, but she escaped."

"What do you mean she escaped?" Ashton seethed. He took a step toward Luke, but the whimpering bundle beneath his cloak forced him to stop. The only thing keeping Luke from being at the complete mercy of his King was a small girl, tucked into Ashton's side.

"You are lucky my mate is here or things would be unpleasant for you," Ashton growled, reaching a ring-covered hand down to press into her back.

"My apologies my Lord, I will go look for her now," Luke mumbled, staring at his feet in shame. He felt like a child who had brought home failing marks to his parents. A disappointment.

"No. We're leaving. I need to get my mate back to the lair," Ashton's harsh glare at Luke was contrasted with a soft glance down. He already had a soft spot for the human. Luke didn't even know that that was possible, King Irwin had never been soft before.

"I could stay with him, we could get her and bring her back," Calum glanced over at Luke and then to their King. Luke was grateful, Calum was the closest thing he had to a friend as a vampire. King Irwin was always so frigid when it came to interacting with other vampires and he all but refused to talk to humans, unless they were prisoners, or apparently, his mate. Luke was more often that not in court, and when he wasn't at court he was running his district, which left him little free time for socializing.

"I said no. I need you all on guard especially you Michael, we're vulnerable here," Ashton gestured Michael over. Luke knew why he wanted him so close, Michael was a magic vacuum. It was his gift. Around him, any non-vampiric magic was impossible, he was like a bottomless pit of energy, just absorbing it right out of the air.

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