(BGM) Bleeding Hearts - Vampire AU - Ashton

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This will probably have at least one more part depending on what I want to do with it sooooo

Part 1/?

Idk if y'all have ever played plague inc but they have a vampire plague and this is kinda based off of it bc it made me think about vampires and so here we go

Everyone but Ashton has a BGM AU in this book so here's Ashton's BGM AU

(I will be writing a High School AU next and the pt2 to the last imagine after don't y'all worry your pretty little heads about it)

"Where is he? He's always late to these things," Lord Hemmings blew a puff of air from his nose and glanced at his diamond studded Rolex.

The watch was new, a gift from Lord Styles of the Black Moon Kingdom. He had given him an exquisite new pair of Italian leather boots in return. The constant flow of tribute and gifts of the Lords was one of the ways that they showed their allegiance as allies. Even if the Black Moon Kingdom and the Bleeding Hearts Kingdom weren't the closest, their trade routes guaranteeing movement of blood and goods across the Atlantic was important to the war effort. But all of the European blood they could ship over would be useless if King Irwin didn't get his pale ass into the strategy meeting.

"He's the King he can do whatever he wants," Lord Clifford, who was sitting on the opposite side of the polished mahogany table reminded him.

Luke sighed and traced some of the lines in the wood with his finger decorated in bands studded with Sapphires and Rubies. Extreme wealth was one of the perks of being one of only four people in Bleeding Heart to evolve. When the plague started ravaging the human population people thought that it meant extinction. Until The Evolution. Nobody's sure exactly what happened but a select few, less than one hundred humans, almost all male, became more, or in some opinions, less than human. They were true vampires. Gifted with black magic fueled by an insatiable hunger for blood.

"Maybe he finally met his mate," Lord Hood snickered at his joke. Mates were nothing but legends. Most females died in the plague anyway, they only made up about twenty five percent of the population which was a real problem. Women weren't to be made into blood slaves, they were protected in communes and then married off to either their vampiric mates, which was yet to happen, or high-ranking human officials.

Men didn't fare much better. When the vampires banded together and instated their own Feudal Kingdoms all over the globe all men were automatically require to labor for their king indefinitely. This either meant manual labor, like farming food for their own species; being a blood slave, which could be rather cushy as no royalty would want anything but the best of the best; or some management position in the new monarchy. Humans couldn't be Kings or Lords but they could work for them and do very well for themselves.

"Or maybe he just made a stop in the dungeons on the way up. He's been trying to get Gaskarth to break for weeks now," Lord Clifford rolled his eyes in annoyance. He had always particularly hated Alex, even more than Luke and Luke hated the founder of the resistance. He was a real stake to the ass, always trying to start uprisings and create dissent.

"I don't know what else he can do to the guy," Calum shrugged, looking rather satisfied with the amount of torture he had inflicted. "The key is to make the mental agony as bad as the physical, you gotta break their moral," he conjured up a shadow staff and broke it right in front of them, sending black tendrils of billowing magic out into the air before the whole thing dissolved.

"I've got my best guys looking for his fiancée, it's all a matter of time. Guys like him always break when they see their lovers in pain," Luke waved his hand, brushing away the matter like it was a done deal. Really they had been looking for the girl for months now to no avail but there was a very limited area where she could be and they were closing in.

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