(BGM) Blood Moon - Werewolf AU - Michael - pt1

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You pressed your hand firmly against your mouth and took another step backwards. The hanging coats and jackets enveloped you, mingling your scent with those of your pack mates. You could feel him out there, moving around, his presence steadily growing closer to you. It wouldn't be long now, you had to try and escape. You knew that you'd never be free from the Blood Alpha, the bond would always lead him back to you, but you could always run.

"I said show me all your females. I know you didn't. I can feel her here." His voice had changed since you'd last heard it. It was raspier, angrier, and you detected a hint of panic. You knew that while you hated running, it was worse for him. The Blood Alpha, destroyer of Packs, killer of wolves, ruthless leader, could not control his own mate. You evaded him, using the bare bone threads of your bond to feel when he was coming and run.

But now you were cornered.

You could hide for a while, make it hard for him to find you, maybe hold him off temporarily, but you couldn't leave. He was onto you by now, it was the fifth time he'd barged into a pack you'd been staying in. He knew that you would do whatever it took, jumping out of windows, climbing through vents, pretending to be someone else, to get away from him. You'd always slipped through his fingers, but now you had nowhere to go. You could smell the earthy sent of the Blood Moon pack members all around you. He had brought a small army, desperate to catch you and finally bring you back to his lair.

Once the bond was sealed you couldn't run and that's what he was counting on. A bond meant interdependence, you'd need him, and he'd need you. He already did, not only to show his strength but to improve his pack. A Luna brought order and inner strength that no Alpha could create. Plus Lunas usually meant increased fertility among the female wolves and more couples. You didn't want him though. You didn't want to sit on his throne of bone and flesh, carved from the wolves he'd slaughtered in the name of power. You didn't want his red stained hands or scarred skin from battle. He was archaic and evil in ways that you could not imagine.

So far other Alphas has agreed with you, deciding it was worth the risk to harbor you in their packs, passing you around and keeping you just out of his grip.

Even now you felt bad for Alpha Harper, he was charming and unmated, you'd spent too long in his pack, not wanting to move on. You didn't have the luxury, your foolishness was bringing Death, and his name was Michael Clifford.

"I CAN SMELL HER ON YOU!" He bellowed. Your heart dropped. Alpha Harper hadn't removed your scent completely. You shouldn't have hugged him earlier. You'd rubbed off too much. Michael would kill him now.

It would be all your fault.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY MATE!" You could feel the anger rippling off of your mate and vibrating through the thin strings connecting the two of you together. There was a terrible sound, skin coming in contact with skin, and a deep groan from Harper.

No. You couldn't let someone else die. You wouldn't let Michael kill him.

You carefully reached out and opened the closet door. You were a floor above the commotion, up hiding the a closet where the children hung their things between recesses at the tiny elementary school. You had been helping in there, serving the snack as the usual teacher's assistant was ill. When you first smelled Blood Moon you were ready to run, but they had come in a massive circle, covering every exit out of the pack. You couldn't run through the woods behind the field, not out the road in the front or the crop fields on the sides. The best you could do was hide.

Another loud punch and a snarl from Michael. He wouldn't stop until Harper was dead.

You walked out of the closet and pulled your small dagger from your boot. It was really only good for hand to hand combat or throwing short distances, but that's not what you were going to use it for. You creeped into the classroom and saw it was empty. The tiny tables had been hastily vacated, small chairs and coloring pages were strewn about. On the floor there were trampled crayons and crushed cookies from snack. You treaded carefully, trying to not make unnecessary noise. Walking carefully on your toes, you made it to the door and peeked out through the window into the hallway outside. Beside the door stood one of Michael's Betas. The one with too long blonde hair that was too tall, you forgot his name, it was common and he was rarely around when you were. He was the one Michael usually left behind to keep up the pack while he was gone. It was a sign of his determination that he'd been brought along.

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