(BGM & DDM) Maybe When You're Older (Let Me Show You) - Apocalypse AU - Mashton

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I wrote Mashton but I'll clarify:

(Romantic interest would probably be more accurate but RIM just sounds stupid)

I honestly don't think this book is going to be updated weekly just due to the sheer volume of crap I am obligated do to

Michael & Ashton:
- 12 Years Ago -

"It has just been reported that in response to the UN's increased presence in South Korea, the North Korean government has launched an undetermined number of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with thermonuclear warheads heading directly for the United States. Residents of densely populated areas are advised to stay indoors. NATO is expected to react shortly," even the news anchor, the unshakeable journalist that had undoubtably already seen the darkest corners of humanity seemed shocked. Nobody ever thought that this would happen. That North Korea would actually nuke the United States. Well, nobody but your parents.

The tense atmosphere that had settled in the room as the three of you ate dinner quickly erupted into action.

Your father scooped you up and looked over at your Mum.

"I'll go get Y/S/N," she rocketed off the couch. Your younger sister was over at her friends house, only a few minutes drive, but that was precious precious time that could be spent getting into the bunker.

"I'll go with you," Ashton mumbled, cradling you closer to him like he was afraid that you too would need rescuing.

"No. You and Y/N go down to the bunker and we'll meet you there as soon as we can," she shook her head and pulled on a coat.

"Mummy," you whined, sniffling a little. You were young, too young to know all of what was going on but not so young as to not recognize that your mother was putting herself in danger.

"I'll be back soon baby, listen to your Dad," she walked back over to give you both a hug, "I love you both." She pressed a kiss to your forehead and a rushed one to your father's lips.

You waved at her as she grabbed the car keys and ran out the door. Ashton waited until he heard her leave before moving again.

"Let's go then," he mumbled, urgency again taking over his movements as he rushed into the backyard.

Kids used to make fun of you because your parents had an underground bunker put in your backyard. They said that you were stupid and that nothing was going to happen. Looking back it seems like natural selection took it's course.

The opening to the bunker was an electronically locked hatch buried on the edge of the yard under a panel of fake grass. Ashton ripped the panel away and punched the activation code into the keypad with his thumb.

With a slight hiss, the doors opened, revealing a ladder down into the underground. Ashton turned around and lowered you both down, easing down the ladder.

"I'm scared Daddy," you dug your fingers into your shirt as the door closed above you.

"It'll be okay," he didn't sound so sure. He shakily lowered you to the ground.

You clung to his leg, not wanting to let go.

"Up Daddy! Up!" You demanded.

He sighed and picked you back up. You buried your face into his neck and shuddered as you began to cry.

"Shhhhhh baby girl it's okay," he mumbled, rubbing a hand up and down your back.

But it wasn't and you both knew it. While you fell asleep against him, Ashton stayed awake all night, waiting for his wife and other daughter to climb down the ladder. For the hatch to open and reveal their smiling faces.

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