(BGM) Blood Moon pt3 - Werewolf AU

939 14 26

It's been requested that I continue this one

Also Bleeding Hearts

Also Lion Heart

"Pull over, we're stopping for lunch." Michael disregarded your obvious desire to be left alone in favor of feeding you. You could feel it when he turned and looked back at you, there was concern in his stare. You didn't want his pity, you kept your gaze trained out the window as Luke pulled over to the side so you all could picnic in neutral territory. The buses got the message, likely through the pack bond, and stopped behind you as well. As soon as it was stopped, people were getting out and stretching their legs, a few making their way into the forest to relieve themselves.

A few seconds later, the driver's door opened and Luke got out. He was looking at you again, and worse, you were alone with him in a car.

"Y/N," the way he said your name made the fine hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and goosebumps go down your arms. You had been separated too long, your soul was calling out for his, your wolf was present, pressing her own agenda into yours. She wanted him, you did not. You released a breath, keeping your heartbeat steady, you would not give into temptation, you would not look. "Y/N," he said again. This time he was more firm. He wanted you to turn, he wanted to see your eyes, see your soul reaching for him. You didn't want him to know.

There was a light knock on the driver's window, you both looked over. Luke was standing there with a big paper bag in his hands. Michael gestured, and the door was open. You smelled it immediately, food was in the bag. Your stomach growled loudly again, and Luke glanced your way. Michael growled loudly, and his beta quickly drew back, and closed the door.

There were sandwiches in the bag, layered high with ham and turkey. Your mouth watered, but you did not look his way. You did not ask for food.

"Y/N, you must eat," Michael spoke evenly, he was a diplomat dealing with an adversary.

You shook your head, you were sure he could feel some sense of your finality on the subject through the bond. He didn't say anything else for a moment, you got the feeling he was up to something. His door opened, and you looked up in shock as he left. Only, he didn't go far, he walked around to the other side of the car, and tugged open the door next to yours.

He was too close. He smelled too good, he looked too good, you didn't want him to be near you it made it harder. He climbed into the car, you pressed yourself against the opposite door but it was useless as he reached for you. He was stronger, he pinned you to him easily, holding you down against his lap, one of his arms held down both of yours and his head rested on your shoulder, right next to your ear. If you were in your prime, back when you ate well and trained all day, you could've put up a real fight, but you hadn't been training and Harper's pack had fed you but you were still weak, certainly no match for an alpha.

"Let me go," you spat. There was no conviction behind your voice. He could tell, you felt him smile against your skin.

His grip only tightened. "No, you have to eat," he replied simply.

"I don't want anything you give me," you squirmed, frivolously wasting your energy, "you're a murderer."

He snarled in your ear and you went still. "I am an alpha," he corrected you, "I lead my pack, I take care of my pack, I fight for them. You belong here with me. You are a part of me, and a part of this pack, I will not let you go, do not fool yourself into thinking that not eating will convince me to let you leave." Of course he knew your plan. He must have felt your intention through the bond, he realized you didn't want to stay with him, that you wanted to go back home.

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