(BGM) Blood Moon - Werewolf AU - pt4

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You woke up in a cold sweat, lurching up from the soft surface below you and straight onto your feet, assuming a fighting stance as you took in the strange new environment around you. The first rational thought you had was that the air stunk of Michael, but the scent was just beginning to age, telling you he was not in your immediate vicinity and had not been for at least half an hour. With another deep breath you could tell that there was a different male standing just outside the closed door, presumably to prevent your escape.

You quickly took in your surroundings, a large bedroom without windows, and only one door that looked to be an exit. It was very likely you were trapped. The room was large, assuming you were in a pack house it had to be reserved for someone of a higher rank. Lurching forward, you ripped open the two doors that were unguarded, the first revealed an empty closet, and the second a large personal bathroom.

Finally sure that you had nothing immediately to worry about, you relaxed slightly and sat back on the bed. Your head began to ache and a spot on your neck was particularly tender. Reaching down, you meant to try to massage away the pain but quickly yelped and pulled back when you felt an intense burn from touching it.

What did you-?


The memories of what happened just before waking in the strange room began flooding back. Michael's wolf marking you, you cuddling up to him and eating out of his hand like a domesticated dog. A low growl rose in the back of your throat as you recalled everything he'd done but your wolf seemed oddly calm. There was mild irritation on her side from the rough treatment you'd initially received, but his feeding you was enough to prove to her he was willing and able to provide and the strength of his wolf was alluring. You would receive no further support from your animal side on the issue.

You stood and walked into the bathroom, intending to look at your mark in the mirror, but you were immediately distracted when you saw how unkept you looked. Your hair was everywhere, your clothes were all rumpled and the small amount of makeup you'd had on at Harper's pack was smeared across your face. 

"I look like a hot mess," you sighed and tried to wipe at the mascara caked under your eyes.

Then you felt him. A sixth sense that you'd managed to develop to alert you of your mate's presence while you were on the run went off.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you whipped around only to see you were still alone. It didn't make any sense, you were sure you'd felt him. It was like he was right behind you...

Emphasis on the "hot"

You flinched when you heard his voice echo through your ears and the blood drained from your face as you finally realized what was happening. Michael wasn't there with you at all, he was inside your head.

Benefits of being a marked wolf darling he teased you, you could feel the smirk on his face wherever he was.

You squirmed at the nickname and decided to use the new situation to your advantage. You did your best to bring to the forefront of your mind exactly how you felt about him. How angry you were that he'd separated you from your family, forced you to leave your pack and starve yourself on the fringes of society. You showed him the fear you'd felt when he'd closed in on you in the past and all the unkind ways other wolves had treated you, the rogue they were harboring. But all of that, all of the anger and pain didn't add up to hate. It was the most frustrating thing, that you couldn't hate him the way he deserved to be hated. He'd done terrible things to you but you couldn't even bring yourself to hate him for it.

Michael was silent for a moment, and you were breathing heavily, trying not to cry. You'd never asked for any of this, you'd wanted a nice male, preferably a warrior but you wouldn't have complained. You just wanted one who would love you and let you see your family and stay with your pack. You didn't want one who needlessly spilled blood and let his rage overpower his sense. Michael was a frightening figure, the villain pups were warned of at night. He was everything you stood against for you didn't, you couldn't, hate him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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