(BGM) Claws of Canines: Luke Hemmings Werewolf AU (ALL PARTS + EPILOGUE)

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I thought this would be the best place to put it all together :)

I have a book cover ready too so you know, summer project amirite



One summer, only two and a half months, it couldn't possibly be that bad. Right? A whole summer with your aunt and uncle and cousins you'd never really met in the middle of nowhere. They didn't even have internet there. Of course that's why your mother thought it was a good idea.

"You need to connect with nature, get out more. Plus you haven't seen your Uncle Murray since you were a baby. He's been asking about you!"

It was all just bizarre. Your mother seemed so Hell-bent on sending you to see her mountain man of a brother who apparently lived in the woods for such a long time. You'd tried and tried to talk her out of it, but to no avail.

"Mooooom," you pouted as she zipped your suitcase shut. This was pretty much your last appeal, your flight left in just over two hours and she had to take you to the airport so you wouldn't miss it. You had briefly considered purposely lingering around until your plane left without you, but then she'd be angry and probably drive the seven hours there and drop you off herself, and you didn't want that.

"None of that, you're going to have such a good time! I heard that the twins are dying to meet you," she added with a smile as she picked up your suitcase off your comforter and began walking toward the door.

You followed behind her and let out a petulant whine, "moooom I've never met Ashton and Michael! They could hate me!"

"Y/N, Y/M/N Y/L/N, one more complaint out of you and you won't have any WiFi when you get back either." Clearly her patience with you had run out as well. With a sigh, you followed her to the car wordlessly, pouting and staring out the window.

Your flight went similarly. You played your saddest, most self-pitying music and stared out the window until you landed. It wasn't until you'd gotten out and retrieved your things and were wandering about the entrance area trying to figure out where to go that your internal gloom was broken.

A hand clamped down firmly on your shoulder and spun you around. You nearly fell over in the process, tripping over your own feet as you came face to face with a tall dirty blonde boy with curly hair and thick-framed glasses. He peered down at you for a moment and then his expression brightened.

"MICHAEL! COME HERE I FOUND HER!" He yelled, looking around excitedly.

You silently put the pieces together. If he was calling for Michael, your other cousin, this was probably Ashton. Oddly, you didn't see much of a resemblance, he was enormous and built. You preferred the indoor life, paler and thinner. You supposed maybe you had the same eyes, they had come from your shared grandmother; your mother had them too and had shown you pictures of her and her mother before.

Another tall, but much paler boy jogged over. He wasn't nearly as toned as his cousin, and any notion you had of them maybe being identical was washed away. Michael smiled down at you in an odd way. You couldn't place it but, it seemed oddly animalistic.

"Hey Y/N! I'm Michael and that's Ashton!" He pointed to his brother who was still holding your shoulder.

"You're our only cousin so we've wanted to see you for so long!" Suddenly Ashton's shoulder hold became a tight hug of him pressing you against his firm chest.

"Nice to meet you too," you wheezed out and Ashton let go.

"Sorry, whoops," he flushed as you got your breath back.

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