Chapter 1: Running and More Running

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Chapter 1: Running and More Running

I grumbled something under my breath in elvish as I rested on my knees, puffing out air. Legolas jogged up beside me, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Shut it." I hissed as I stood up tall. My eyes flickered over to Aragorn who had his ear placed against a rock with his eyes shut as he tried to listen for any hint to where the Uruks were.

"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" Aragorn called as he stood up and began jogging.

"Come on, Gimli!" Legolas called over his shoulder, Gimli groans dramatically.

"Three day's and night's pursuit... No food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell." Gimli grumbled, I rolled my eyes and jogged after Legolas as I tried to catch back up with him and Aragorn.

We jogged across the plains, speaking to one another in pants and pointing in the direction we needed to be heading. Aragorn bent down when we entered a valley and picked something off the ground studying it closely.

I stopped running and stood over his should as I looked at the small, tattered broach that was sitting in the palm of his hand. Grass and mud covered the once beautiful piece of jewelry and the bright green color was now faded.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." Aragorn croacked as his eyes flicked up to mine.

"How far are we?" I asked as Aragorn struggled back up to stand. 

"We're close." He assured.

"Gimli!" Legolas grumbled as the dwarf fumbled down the hill, face first. "We are gaining on them!" he called as he caught up with Aragorn and I.

"I'm wasted on cross-country! We dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances." He called from behind us, I snickered and looked over at Legolas who shook his head.

We came to a hill that overlooked vast, rolling plains.

"Rohan," I said as I took in the vast beauty of the plains that were stretched out in front of me.

There were no trees to be seen for miles and miles and only the pale green prairy that rolled up and down with some rocks scattering the area. Legolas bounded across a rock and stood some distance away from us but within earshot.

"Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?" Aragorn called out, Legolas narrowed his eyes as he peered across the valley.

"The Uruks turn northeast, they are taking the hobbits to Isengard." He looked over at Aragorn over his shoulder.

"Saruman," Aragorn breathed.

My head jerked over to Aragorn as I absorbed the information that had just been given to me. Saruman must've thought that Merry and Pippin had the Ring! He would torture them once he figured out they didn't for any information regarding it. I knew that either one wouldn't break but it pained me to think of those two going through anything like that.

We jumped off the rocks and continued running through the plains, I paused in my steps as I peered over the plains to the west.

"What is it?" Legolas stopped running and walked back to my side.

"See that?" I pointed off to the distance to thick plumes of smoke rose in the air. I looked over at him worriedly.

"Come on," He said quickly, smiling weakly at me before running off to catch up with Aragorn. I eyed the smoke for another moment before running after the others.

The day had faded and the moon cast a pale white light over the plains of Rohan.

"I need a breather!" Gimli yelled from behind us, I glanced over at Legolas who smiled slightly and then over at Aragorn who pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Gimli's right." I muttered awkwardly and looked down at the exhausted dwarf. Aragorn's head popped up and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"We've been running for days, we need to rest or we wont be any good when we catch up with the Uruks." I sighed and massaged my temples.

"She's right, Aragorn." Legolas pipped in, "If we catch up to the Uruks but we are worn out and exhausted we will be no good in a fight." Legolas adjusted his pack and puffed out air.

Aragorn grumbled and peered over the rolling plains, sighing deeply. "Very well." he said softly and threw his pack onto the ground roughly.

I puffed out air and walked a few steps away from where we were camping for a few hours and jumped up on a tall stone that stuck out of the plains; I stared across the plains, narrowing my eyes slightly as I searched for any signs of the Uruks.

"What are you doing?" I jumped and reached for my daggers, spinning around quickly. Legolas was holding his hands up in innocence with a smile on his face, I softened my stance and sheathed my daggers while grumbling at him in elvish.

"I was just looking." I said quickly as I glanced over my shoulder and looked around the landscape quickly then plopped down onto the rock, letting my legs dangle over the side.

My muscles thanked me for the rest and I winced as I massaged my thighs softly, shaking my head at the thought of the hobbits.

Legolas sighed and sat down beside me, "it's not your fault." he said softly, my eyes flickered up to him as I shook my head.

"I should've been with Boromir." I said quickly as I twiddled my thumbs awkwardly.

"We are going to catch up to them." Legolas said as he pushed up and stood tall, smiling slightly then trotting back to the camp.

I shook my head and laid back onto the cool rock, staring at the stars that twinkled overhead. Frodo and Sam popped into my head, "I hope they're doing better than us."

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