Chapter 13: Allies

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Chapter 13: Allies

"He's going to destroy his people." I grumbled as I trudged through the keep, Legolas nodded. Dark clouds had settled over the sun, thunder rolled off in the distance. I puffed out air and rubbed my hand over my face.

I scoffed and trotted off down the stairs to help move the women and children into the caves, Aragorn was already down there helping. I grimaced at him, he pressed his lips together as he immediately understood how I was feeling at the moment. I could tell that he was feeling the same.

"We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate." Aragorn motioned to the balcony that overlooked the causeway. 

"You should rest." I sighed, shaking my head as I studied his weary face. Aragorn ignored my comment, Legolas grabbed his arm.

"Anaire is right, you're no use to us half-alive." Legolas said quickly, before turning away to help escort the people into the caves.

"Lord Aragorn!" A voice called from within the crowd of panicking people, blonde hair waved in the slight wind as she approached him, her hair was frazzled and she panted deeply.

Aragorn studied her face closely, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to figure out why she was so bothered.

"I am to be sent with the women and children into the caves." She explained, shaking her head and throwing her arms slightly in exasperation. I watched her closely, I understood why she would be upset at this.

Aragorn tilted his head at her comment, "That is an honorable charge." He said quickly, I scoffed earning a dark glare from over his shoulder. Eowyn glanced at me over her shoulder before her gaze fell back on Aragorn, she shook her head fiercely. 

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding for when the men return. What renown is there in that?" She asked, pulling her eyebrows up as she asked.

Aragorn sighed, "My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in their last defense?" Aragorn reassured.

"Let me stand at your side." Eowyn said quickly, begging him with her eyes. My head jerked over to Legolas who was watching the exchange as well.

"It is not in my power to command it." Aragorn retorted, shaking his head slightly before turning to walk away. I opened my mouth but was quickly interrupted before anything came out.

"You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they will not be parted from you." Her lips quivered slightly, "Because they love you." She almost whispered, her eyes becoming softer.

Aragorn moved towards her, Eowyn shook her head briskly. "I'm sorry." She walked past him, shoving Legolas slightly as she charged through the crowd.

I pressed my lips together as I stared in the direction she came from, I felt bad for her, she seemed to be unlucky and I simply wished happiness for her.

I followed Aragorn into the main hall where the men were preparing for battle, jostling around as they gathered weapons and sharpened them, awkwardly bumping into one another.

I narrowed my eyes as I studied the crowd, most were either too old or too young.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys." Aragorn named the different types of people surrounding us.

Gimli grunted and leaned on his ax, "Most have seen too many winters." He announced.

"Or too few." I hissed before turning on my heel and out into the open air.

I charged up a set of steps to the balcony that stood highest up, a green and gold banner whipped in the cool wind that flowed through the valley.

The people were afraid, it wasn't hard to see that. The way they bumped into each other and stared at their weapons almost as if it was the first time they had seen one.

I leaned on the cool rock, staring off into the darkness. There was no moon, only dark clouds that rolled high above my head and distant thunder that seemed to be getting closer and closer with each passing moment.

I jumped as Legolas slammed the rock, hissing air through his teeth as he tightened his jaw. I raised an eyebrow, something must've happened after I left.

"What happened?" I asked, taking in every inch of Legolas's face as he looked over at me with anger in his eyes.

"How many soldiers do you think we have?" Legolas asked in our native tongue. 

"Three hundred at the most." I shrugged, thinking about the army that was heading for us.

"Against ten thousand!" Legolas threw his hands in the air, I nodded at him and looked back at the horizon.

"Did you say this to Aragorn?" I asked softly, thinking of why he was so upset. Legolas nodded sharply and I knew what Aragorn's response to that would've been.

I placed my hand of Legolas's upper arm gently, his gaze moved over to me slowly. "You should apologize." I whispered, smiling at the corner of my mouth at him. Legolas sighed and nodded before trotting off towards the armory.

I stood there for several moments before walking back into the main hall and sitting down on one of the benches, trying to mentally prepare myself for the battle ahead. My head jerked up when a horn bellowed out, echoing through the hall. My eyebrows knitted together as I tried to figure out what horn that was, it was not an orc horn.

I jumped to my feet and ran out of the hall and stood at the top of the steps that overlooked the main center of the keep, my mouth opened slightly when a host of elves marched up the slope and stood frozen like statues as they awaited commands. They were clad in long black robes and a golden helmet that hinted at the golden armor underneath the cloaks.

"How is this possible?" King Theoden plopped down the steps as his gaze settled on the army in front of him. 

A familar face smirked up at him, a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I recognized him.

"Haldir!" I called almost falling down the steps as I ran to embrace him; Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli had now joined us. Haldir smiled warmly at me before his gaze fell back on the king.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between elves and men. Long ago we found and died together." He explained just as he noticed Aragorn walking down the steps, "We come to honor that allegiance." He finished just as Aragorn put his hand to his chest as he welcomed him and quickly pulled him into an embrace.

"You are most welcome." Aragorn said happily, Legolas and Haldir acknowledged each other quickly.

He ordered the elves to disperse along the walls before turning to me and smiling gently, "I bring something from Elrond." He said quickly as he removed his pack and handed it to me.

I raised an eyebrow and peaked into the bag, smirking when I saw the armor tucked away inside the bag.

"I was beginning to need something." I joked, gesturing to my torn and bloodstained armor. Haldir chuckled and walked off, heading to his troops.

I quickly went into the armory and unpacked the armor, it was leather. The dark brown bodice was short and laced up the front, clinging to my skin and under the bodice there was a thick layer of chainmail that protected my chest,  another thick pair of chainmail underarmor served as my pants and inside the chainmail was a soft fabric. Velvet underbraces wrapped around my hand and were covered with deep red bracers with the design of an ornate tree etched into them along with black pauldrons. The last piece was a low hung, light brown, belt with a moleskin tabard.

I pulled out a black mask that covered the bottom half of my face, I decided to leave that sitting on the table. I pulled my greaves on quickly and charged out of the room with only one question on my mind:

Would I live through the night?


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