Chapter 12: Warning

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Chapter 12: Warning

I puffed out air and grabbed my arm, glaring at the cloth that I had wrapped around it only minutes ago. I stumbled off of the rock and jogged back towards Helms Deep as fast as my feet would carry me, I was losing copious amounts of blood. 

The sun was high above my head when Helms Deep finally came into view, I continued running; the grass was slowing thinning out into the rocky and barren landscape that surrounded Helms Deep. The world was spinning, I shook my head and charged up the causeway, whimpering slightly as I leaned against the cold stone wall.

I pushed myself off the wall and staggered up the main walkway through the keep, shaking my head as I willed myself to stay awake. I had to get to the King. Blood was now dripping out of the bandaged and cascading down my arm in thick rivulets.

"Anaire!" Legolas sprinted over to my side, my legs wobbled slightly as I collapsed onto his chest. Legolas wrapped his arm around me, preventing me from slamming onto the ground.

"I have to see the King." I muttered, Legolas looked me over and grabbed my arm softly, shaking his head. 

"You need to get patched up." He sighed as he pulled my legs up, holding me against his chest.

"No." I struggled, trying to push away, even though I probably wasn't even doing anything.

My eyes began fluttering shut, I shook my head quickly, this was important, I had to get to the King!


I jolted awake, sitting straight up. I blinked rapidly as I looked around the small room frantically, trying to figure out what happened and how long I had been out. Two bowls filled with water were laying beside me, I glanced over at my wound to see that it had been sewn up.

I rubbed my hand over my face and stood up slowly, staggering slightly and falling against the wall. I could hear commotion outside, I closed my eyes as I tried to figure out what was happening.

The Uruks! I have to tell the KIng, I have to warn the people!

My eyes popped open and I stumbled out of the small room and slammed right into a large crowd. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to figure out the reason all these people were out here. What was happening? Was I too late? 

I pushed through the crowd and up the slope heading towards the main hall, that's where the king would be if he was preparing and trying to plan.

I walked up the steps slowly, trying my hardest to not pass out again but this time crash against the cold stone ground.

I groaned slightly as I shoved open the large doors into the main hall, freezing when I saw who was standing there.

A tall man with dark brown hair turned around to face me, his hair was dripping with either water or sweat and there was a large gash in his shoulder that had healed over slightly. 

"Aragorn?" I breathed, walking a couple steps.

A weak smile spread across his lips as he walked towards me, I held a hand out and brushed his cheek slightly, terrified that I was going to wake up and he would still be missing.

I chuckled slightly and wrapped my arms around him, he weakly patted my back and I pulled away. I raised an eyebrow and Aragorn shook his head quickly.

"I'll tell you later." He sighed and turned back around to face King Theoden who was watching us intently. "I need to speak with the King." 

"As do I." I said quickly, walking past Aragorn and closer to the King. "Something is coming. All Isengard is emptied." I informed, Theoden's eyes widened and he looked over at Aragorn worriedly.

Aragorn puffed out air and walked a few steps forward, "It is a great host." He nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"A great host you say?" Theoden paced away from us, "How many?" He called, he seemed calm.

"Ten thousand strong at least." I breathed, shaking my head.

"Ten thousand?" The King spun around, watching the both of us closely as if we were joking. 

"It is an army bred for a single purpose," Aragorn said, Theoden stared him down, awaiting the answer. "To destroy the world of Men." Aragorn informed. "They will be here by nightfall." 

"Let them come!" Theoden announced, trotting out of the main hall.

Legolas and Gimli were waiting outside and quickly joined us as we followed Theoden through the fortress. Legolas raised his eyebrow at me, questioning how I was feeling.

Theoden grabbed one of his guards, "I want every man and strong lad, able to bear arms, to be ready for battle by nightfall." He said, slapping his guard on the shoulder reassuringly.

Other soldiers were adding reinforcements to the main gate, hammers were clacking loudly as we passed through them and stood at the top of the causeway.

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from above." He gestured up to a ledge at the top of the fortress, I glanced over at Aragorn who was watching the King carefully.

"No army has ever breached the Deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!" Theoden announced, he was comparing old enemies to this one. These Uruks were dangerous and much stronger than any force he had fought, this was unwise.

"This is no rabble of mindless orcs." Gimli interrupted, leaning on his axe. Our gazes all went over to the dwarf. 

"These are Uruk-hair, their armor is thick and their shields broad." He warned.

Theoden stepped towards the dwarf, I narrowed my eyes as I observed the exchange.

"I have fought many wars, master dwarf, I know how to defend my own keep." The King reprimanded and walked past Gimli who puffed out air heavily, Legolas slapped his shoulder as we walked past him.

Theoden walked up a set of stairs to the top of the fortress, observing the bustle that was going on below us. 

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock, Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn, we have seen it before. Crops can be resewn, homes rebuilt! In these walls, we will outlast them." His voice trailed off, almost as if he didn't believe the words coming out of his own mouth.

"They do not come to destroy crops or villages." I interrupted, the King froze and glanced over his shoulder, "They want to destroy your people, down to the last child." I warned, stepping forward slightly. 

"What would you have me do?" Theoden stepped forward, I tilted my head in warning.

"Anaire is right, you should listen." Aragorn said sternly, the King's hard glare turned to him.

"Look at my men, their courage hangs by a thread." He whispered, "If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance." He hissed and spun around on his heel.

Aragorn shook his head over at me.

"Send out riders, my Lord! You must call for aid." I pleaded. Theoden turned around quickly, glancing between Aragorn and I.

He smiled condescendingly, "And who will come?" He questioned.

"Elves? Dwarves?" He gestured to Legolas and Gimli.

"We are not as lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead." He said quickly.

"Gondor will answer." Aragorn retorted.

"Gondor!" Theoden stepped towards Aragorn, staring him down. 

"Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon-" He froze, shaking his head. 

"No, my Lord Aragorn, we are alone." 


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